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68185 Nehalem Hwy. North

Vernonia, OR 97064





Katie Organ is the owner and designer

of  the imaginative and well fitting 

patterns you will see here.  The sizes 

range from child's 2 to women's 24.


Click on the above links to view the patterns.

You will then be guided to an ordering page.

At the present time there is not a 

shopping cart nor do we take credit cards.  

You are welcome to mail order using a 

personal check, cashier's check or money order. 


This website designed and maintained by

© 2003 Teri Reymann

The graphics on this website are the property of

The Paisley Pincushion and may not be used

without permission of the owner, Katie Organ.


We do not necessarily support or agree with all advertisements you see on this website.