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I have a decent sized family.  Most of it lives in Oregon, others live in Washington (for reasons unknown by me), and some live in Minnesota, and quite a few live in the Netherlands (Holland).  I'll get a family tree up here later.  Pictures coming later also.

My parents were married in 1982 on December 5.  My dad, Andries Adrianas Hubertus, (I have to check the spelling on his names) was 26 and my mom, Suzanne Marie, was one day away from being 20. I was born 1 year after they were married, Ashley Suzanne was born 5.5 years later on February 27th, 1989, Katy Nicole was born February 25th, 1991.  Ah, lovely! We have in the past had 1 female Lhasa Apso named Lucy, which we gave away, a Siamese cat adopt us, whom we named Keeper, alas, we didn't keep, we gave her and her 5 kittens away,  and we had a dog named Sammy who was part boarder collie.  Currently we have 2 male guinea pigs, Ashley's is Templeton, Katy's is Patch.  They are both very hairy and very fat and I don't like them.  ***And we have just got a papillon puppy who we named Newfie!!!!!!***  Ashley also has a lovebird...we thought, and the lady who breeds birds thought he was a he.  When we had had "him" a while, we decided we might like another bird, another male bird so they couldn't have more birdies.  We never got the other bird, and good thing too, we would have had more birdies anyway.  Ashley's lovebird is a girl.  It's name is Dexter the Chicken Goat.  Dexter, because it was a boy, and I like Dexter's Laboratory, the cartoon, Chicken, because it looks like a chicken when it stretches itself up to see something that's up high, and Goat because it eats paper and lots of other stuff. Chicken, we call her for short.  That or Chicky, or Cheeky woowee, or Cheekie-ween, or DUMB BIRD, OW!, (She bites sometimes). We want a dog ***WE NOW HAVE A DOG***, Ashley, Katy, my dad, and I, want a dog.  ***THEY ALL NOW HAVE A DOG*** Katy is going to buy a cat. And well that's about it. Chicky is now a boy. Un-officially official by me,

I would now like to write about my cousin, he's going to be 18 this May? I think,  Yes I believe so.  My cousin Ian is my closest cousin and he's quite the guy... we were talking in the van on the way to a show I was going to and we (Ashley Ian and I) thought up a whole bunch of different socks... the Popcorn socks, (If someone stepped on your foot then it would start making popcorn and yah.) socks with fresheners in them, massager socks.  Well then he got to thinking and said that he could set up a web page and sell these socks... catch...we would have to make them.  NEW IDEA... it would just be a sock web site, devoted to socks...sock chat sock jokes sock songs sock videos sock pictures etc.  It was a work of art I'll tell you! But the main page people that he was running his site off of decided that they wanted to charge money and Ian didn't want to pay money for a site that wasn't making any revenue... so he started a new site for socks.  Last I heard he had had some of his stuff messed up and so It's not up yet... but once it's up he'll have a link here for you.  
I'll even put his picture in here... he wont be too fond of that but that's ok b/c he's loved.