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The View
(March 28)



(H) …risky decision to go solo but one listen to his new CD Spin and it’s clear his gamble paid off big time. Please welcome back to the show – Darren Hayes!

(clapping and cheering)

Darren, welcome back!

(D) Haha!

(H) I have to tell you I have gotten so many emails about you coming on the show, so we’re thrilled to have you. Why did you decide to go solo?

(D)You know, I think we kinda got bored to be honest…um…we both wanted new challenges…I mean…I was…I don’t know, I was like 20 when I met Daniel and I’ll be 30 this year and you know…we sold 20 million records together…it was an amazing run. But you know, he…he kinda wanted to produce records and I wanted to continue on, I couldn’t imagine not…not singing and not doing this…

(H) font> That’s an enormous amount of records. You guys were so popular…you went multi-platinum. Is there a lot of pressure to be…be solo now?

(D) Not at all (laughs) Sure…I mean it’s um…I try not to think about it too much but…there is an expectation and in some ways for me this is my third album…but in a lot of ways it’s…it’s…it’s like starting again…it’s like I’m a brand new artist so…I’m just trying to keep the expectations down and have fun.

(H) Well, I hardly even recognized you when you walked into the door today…

(D) Right.

(H)…because you…you had that black hair…

(D) Right

(H) …for so long and so many people have asked me why you’ve decided to go blonde.

(H) You’re rolling your eyes.

(D) I mean…did anyone ever think that that hair was real? I mean…c’mon…it was…it cost $8.00 at a drugstore…I mean it was a …I’m Australian you know, I grew up on the beach and…

(H) So this is nat…this is a natural color?

(D) This is me…yeah…yeah.

(H) Well, we’re excited because we get to hear you sing so I’m going to let you get up there.

(H) Here to perform his hit Insatiable off the CD Spin, here is Darren Hayes.

(Darren sings Insatiable. Two back-up singers. No backing band on stage.)

(D) Thank you.

(H) You were great…thank you…Darren Hayes everyone. His new CD’s called Spin. We’ll be right back