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My TurtleBoo's Page

Please click on all links...they will make you laugh!

Talon in his ball pit

This is a page that is for my son Talon Cage.  His nickname is
Turtle Boo or Boo Berry.  He is almost 15 months old.
He and I have lots of fun together.  We go to playgroup and
he has lots of friends.  He loves his Daddy lots.

This is Talon and his Daddy, Tyler.  They always are working on projects together.
They like to go to HomeDepot together and buy "Manly Stuff"  Daddy's nickname is Tortiose.  Here is a Turtle Boo and his Tortiose...

Click here to see the page of Talon and his Daddy

        Oh the sun it is too bright!  Sun Sun go is not time to
                                       come out  to play!

See this hair...this is why my guy is NOT a morning person!
Mean ol' Mommie got him up early to go to playgroup.

And the cow said "MMMMMOOOOOOO!"
He loves his farm.  He knows the signs for all the animals on the farm.

Some of the other things he likes to do are:

Vacuum, watch Bob the Builder, watch the birds eat at the feeder,
play with the play-dough, dance, go to playgroup, feed the doggie his dinner,
play on the computer, and go down the slide.

Hey wanna ball?  I got plenty!

This is a dog.  I like dogs!  Ruff Ruff!

Well me and my dog are outta here...
I got places to go and folks to see...
Y'all come back now ya here!


This page was made for me by my Mommie.....who is a

forget the blvd part.