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AIDS/HIV is one of the most prominant STD's in society today. It is one of the most deadly and talked about diseases throughout history.
AIDS means Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
AIDS is caused by infection from the virus known as HIV.
The virus weakens the immune system to the point that a person can become infected with illnesses that don't often occur in a healthy person. A form of cancer known as Kaposi's Sarcoma and pneumonia are common examples of such infections.
AIDS usually leads to death caused by such illnesses.

AIDS is carried in the blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal secretions of infected people. It enters the body through genital secretions from sexual contact with an infected partner. HIV can also enter the body through mixing blood with an infected person, such as sharing needles with an infected person. AIDS is not spread through casual contact. You cannot get AIDS or HIV from hugging, or shaking hands, sharing a drink, a home or a workspace with an infected person.

Some people infected with HIV do not develope full blown AIDS. Instead, they suffer from symptoms such as diarrhea, night sweats and weight loss. Most people with HIV do not develope symptoms.
HIV can progress to AIDS.

It is not known if all people who are infected with HIV will develope AIDS, but all who become infected with the virus become carriers, so it is important to practice safe sex.
It is also important to be tested every few months, due to the fact that it may take up to 10 years to develope AIDS.

Since there is currently no vaccine or cure for HIV, it is extremely important to practice safe sex and preventory habits to stop the spread of the HIV virus.
*The most effective way to avoid becoming infected with HIV is to refrain from engaging in any risky activities, such as unprotected sex and sharing needles.
*Practice safer sex. Don't share needles. Second use needles are one of the major causes of the HIV virus to spread. If you are going to use a needle, make sure that it is clean.
*Avoid multiple partners. If you or your partner are HIV positive, practice safer sex.

There is a government hotline for HIV/AIDS information.
The number is 1-800-342-AIDS

The symptoms for HIV are long listed and severe.
They include, but are not limited to:
*Prolonged, unexplained fatigue
*Swollen Lymph nodes
*Long lasting fever
*Excessive sweating and night sweats
*Mouth lesions and swollen gums
*Sore throat
*Shortness of breath
*Changes in bowel habits
*Frequent diarrhea
*Symptoms of a specific infection, such as pneumonia
*Kaposi's Sarcoma(lesion like tumors)
*Skin rashes or lesions of various types
*Unintentional weight loss
*General discomfort
*Chronic Headache

Other symptoms that may be associated with HIV are:
*Speech impairment
*Muscle atrophy
*Memory loss
*Decreasing intellectual function
*Joint swelling, stiffness and or pain
*Cold intolerance
*Bone pain or tenderness
*Unusual or strange behavior
*Slow, sluggish or lethargic movement
*Anxiety, increased stress
*Swelling of lymph nodes in groin area
*General itching
*Genital sores
*Blurred vision
*Double vision(diplopia)
*Light sensetivity
*Blind spots in vision
*Decreased vision or blindness
*Chest pains
*Flank pain or pain in sides
*Back pain
*Abdominal pain
*Loss of appetite, indegestion or other gastrointestinal upset
*Muscle pain
*Numbness and tingling