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Patrick's Page...

Greetings, all you folks out there........

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Click for Eugene, Oregon Forecast

Back to Godhead Magazine        Homepage of the Krisha Organization magazine
Back to Godhead Magazine - Letters        Back to Godhead Letters to the editor
Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana       A thought-provoking article


My renderings of the Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi

Blackmore's Rainbow

I am now seeking commissions for graphic design work.
I also offer office services, from typing & editing to transcription (full-size cassettes only), scanning & business cards.
Commissions available - call 541-744-0549 or e-mail
Mailing address: Patrick S. Charles, 539 18th St.,Springfield, OR 97477-4920. Thank you.

Hello from Oregon, USA...

A good friend of mine set up this website so that I could show off my art more easily. This being the case, I am eager to take commissions from my beloved website visitors. Thanks for visiting my site. - Patrick of 'TrickLin' Productions; Lin being my beloved wife, Lindalee

Please enjoy the graphics......  and  come back soon,  as I will be adding  more info and links.

Artwork & Scans

Click on the thumbnail to view the image full-size, then click "BACK" to return

Family artwork....

Me, Dad, Mom, Linda


Jen & Eric  /  Honor & Linda 


Mini Cartoon  /  Self Portrait


Book scan  /  Lite poetry  


  Bear  / JFK & my dad in WW II  /  Crater Lake

Favorite art... these are based on the work of Frank Stella, see the first pic for intro...


On Frank Stella art / LindaLee  / Nicolas  / LindaLee Valentine

A short poem...

O, Lord, Indulge my Patrick Charles

O Lord, indulge my folly,
I cannot change my ways!
I’m really, really sorry,
I get worse every day!
When I look in the mirror,
I cannot stand my face,
My karma’s getting nearer,
Then I’ll have to leave this place!

I wake up in the morning,
Then I go back to bed -
I want to drink some coffee,
But I’d rather sleep instead.
My life is so depressing
‘Cause I won’t change my ways;
I’m always seekin’ pleasure,
But the feeling never stays!
My habits are important
To maintain a constant high,
I’d really like to change them,
But I’ve got to say good-bye!


This site is very new...   will be writing & posting
more very soon...     keep in touch.

Click here to check out Linda's Page with more art, photos & graphics...

If you have Real Player, click   HERE   to hear Psycho Killer in Real Audio.... please wait for the midi version to stop playing first...

Click the bottle to send me e-mail

Other links:
Talking-Heads.Net        Web page for my favorite band
Frank's Page      A friend's page featuring many unusual, informative, entertaining & alternative links

Thanks for taking this trip to visit my page.

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