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Chinch Bug


I know--tacky pics of Insects--hey--I grew up in the 70's--anyway----aphids seem to like roses a lot. If you check your roses everyday and pick off the aphids as you see them, then they shouldn't get to bad. You can also use a solution of soap and water to wash them off. If you don't mind using an insecticide, then a systemic works really well. For roses, you can also buy a fertilizer-systemic combo(it comes in a granular form)

Slug and snails can be a real pain. They like marigolds a lot. They will travel a pretty good distance to get to where they want to be. You can buy some baits but you need to be careful with it if you have pets around. My favorite way to get rid of them, is to put beer into a empty tuna fish can and set it out where you have a slug problem.

Cucumber Beatle



If you keep your yard and garden free of debris, that will cut down on any insect problem that you may have. If you keep any tall grass or weeds from another lot cut down, then that will also help. The weather has a lot to do with how bad a insect problem can be. A hard freeze will knock the insects back a bit for that year. Here in Southern Oregon we had a mild winter, so I expect to see more insects then normal this year. Also, when you buy your plants, check them to make sure they don't have any insects on them. If you have any gardening or landscape questions please e-mail me at