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A lovely Girl named Min-chan drew these drawings for me. They are a work of art and are mine and her's. Please do NOT! take these for personnel use. They are for looks and showing off this marvelously CUTE! (Altho she will deny it) Young ladies work. Thanks and have fun.

Min doing the eye thing with Brinn, and him wondering what he has gotten himself into ^_^

The always lovely Min with two good friends, Tenchinow in his styling suit, And Brinn catching some rays, sporting a tank top and catching some rays also with a lovely young gal and a good good buddy.

The damn gorgeous Min, showing off her cute and sexy lil' bikini, comes in the two peice fashion as you can PLAINLY see ^_^. What Can you say to this. Simply seeeeeexxxxxxyyyy!!!!

This one is on of our buds, the friendly, fun loving, care free person that makes up Tenchinow. Altho sometimes letting his ego get the better of him, Heheehehehe (mesa dont help that out none to much either, usually the instagator of why is ego is runniing of with him.)But all in all a awesome guy to have as a compadre. ^_^