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Is a work to inform atheists, agnostics and religious folks, alike, of their true spiritual heritage. This book will teach that everyone in the world, and perhaps in others, has an inherent, infinite connection with God’s Universal Mind. That interface allows for living life with unbounded love and creativity to mitigate fears of all kinds.

You will learn herein that you are literally a personal computer with unlimited creative spirit. Human beings created mechanical computers using their spirituality as corporeal computer: you are one of those spiritual, creative, human beings, of course.




Foreword: Do You Know Who You Are? Or Are You Afraid to         Know? ...................................................................................

Preface: What Is Pragmatic Philosophy—God’s Common Sense?

        Who Cares? ...........................................................................

An Introduction and Overview: A Brief Autobiography to Illustrate

        How I Know God—What…Who Is God? ............................

One: How and Where Does One Find God—Universal Mind? ...

Two: What Is Spirit and What Is Not Spirit? ...............................

Three: What Is Nature and What Is Nurture? .........................................

Four: What Is Spiritual Software and How Does Spirit Perform with

           Hardware—Hardware Being You and All Else Visible? ..............

Five: Exactly What Is Love and Love’s Antitheses—Like, Hate? ……

Six: Is There a Heaven? Is There a Hell? ...............................................

Seven: Are You an Angel—Yet? ...........................................................

Conclusion: Is That All There Is?............................................................

Glossary ..................................................................................................

The Bibliography....................................................................................


Do You Know Who You Are?

Or Are You Afraid to Know?


      First off you should be told that what I’m heralding with this book may be something you already know, at least subconsciously. You know intuitively that you have spirituality from a universal source. But maybe you don’t know its grand potential or where that source is situated—like, everywhere. Also, maybe you don’t realize the true extent of that subtle, boundless pool of Spirit and how exceptionally valuable it can be and become. Our ultimate source is Universal Mind’s Spirit, of course, whatever it is you wish to call that vital spirituality—God, Allah, Providence, Karma, Fate, Yahweh Whatever, Jehovah, Lord, Vishnu, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, The Deity, or . And, you are part of Universal Mind with unbounded love and creativity whether you know it or not; whether you like it or not; whether you believe it or not.

                                                                   [Continued NEXT PAGE.]

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