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1. Brian Gallo
2. Mike Simmons
3. Peter Elsaesser
4. Myles Bukrim
5. Jonathan Bernier
6. Kevin Booth
7. Jason Whalls
8. Greg Ihnatenko
9. L-P Sabbagh
10. Dave Hines

PAL's Top Players
1. Steven Zwartjes
2. Alex Penev
3. Sami Cetin
4. Michael Liem
5. Peter Elsaesser
6. Ben Miller

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Daniel Strats

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November 24th 1999
Your Historian Has Something IMPORTANT to say

-I need your attention for a few minutes-

Ok, Folks, I am not sure where to start. As you know, I have not updated Kart 64 Players for nearly a month. There has been rumors and of course me saying I might start up in my profile. Of course, it has been loosely released that I will have a team ready very soon. All of these rumors you hear are true! First, I must come clean about things and make a fresh start, cause it is obvious to me that people are still reaching out and wanting the community to continue. Well folks.....

First of all, it starts with myself. In the past months, I have made some tactical errors out of an impartial position. My decision to get away for awhile was cause of this reason. I am glad noone cared to read my update at Booth2.html besides a close advisor that I trust. There, I had some harsh words for certain people that I sorta wish to take back as far as who it potentially hurt, but the way I feel and the oppinions I hold are still valid.

Let's get down to the chase, I had some personal isssues with the community I need to resolve in my mind, cause I felt this was seriously undermining how I was running this page. I was trying to find alternates for awhile to run the site instead of I, but that was not possible. As you know, running this site was a job that was meant for me cause I was of course the founder of this unique idea. I think I'm the first person that has used this exact format for a console game. It's been done for PC games before, and coninues to be used for games made by Blizzard and such. As for more specifics to why I have not updated, it is motivation as well. Cause of events in the last year, I have been knocked, down but got back up a number of times. I eventually felt like taking the 10-count, so this is what I just did. I knew this time around, there was no getting up, but that does not mean I don't wanna rematch =) The Rematch is now, but this time I will get some new corner people and let them be very involved in the decisions I make. To The Issues that evenually meant my demise for awhile. Each and every one of these contrubuted. I am not nessessarily putting blame, cause the blame belongs right here with me. I made the decisions and I had the full power to made different ones. I chose the way I did, cause I was hoping to find some diplomic way of getting it all, but the truth is, I failed. I made very poor decisions along the way, and had to cover my tracks on many occasions. As you know from that person that cares to call himself "Friend", he knows exactly what I did, and to be fair to all of you, I will now tell you what has been going on and come clean

-The Matt Horwitz Incident(s)-

My first poor decision that I had made was to allow the Horwitz Incident to go on from the get go. Here's the thing folks... I actually sorta enjoyed him and Andy going at it, and found it sorta amusing. Plus, I did not see any reason to get involved, cause I felt this wasn't something I needed to get involve in, but the problem with that was all of the community was watching, and thus he got pegged as a liar.

Looking back, as soon as that happened, I should have stated my position that I believe Matt's Times, and that is why he became a member of my site. I asked him for a strat, he gave it to me, I got a WR with it, and that is why I believed him. I should have said right there and then that I want him to be represented in all Kart 64 Player's Affiliates, and if you refuse, I will have to revoke your official association. Instead, I allowed this to go on, and you know the rest. For this, I do owe Matt Horwitz an appology for not upholding my duty to the community, BUT THIS does not excuse Matt from the way he acted in return. This does NOT also excuse the way others acted on top of that. We need to start giving people the respect they deserve as community members.

I, of course failed to do this, so as someone that is supposed to be leading the community, I now pledge to uphold this duty for now on, and hope you will follow suit and do the right thing. As I repeat, I will never excuse his choice of action at any of the given times of controversy... That is something he needs to take care of on his own, as well as the people like I that have failed to uphold their duties as community members.

-Personal Issues With Peter Elsaesser-

My second poor decision involves letting myself get too personal in competition with Kart 64 Player's Member, PETER ELSAESSER. As I have stated before to my advisors, there was a post in my message board from his brother Rene Elsaesser. I forget the exact words, but the way I took it to mean is that another karter that summer was "HIS ONLY COMPETITION". Call me selfish, cause I clearly am, but I did not take that particuarly well, cause like all of us, we don't like to be de-recognized when not deserviing of such.

In my defense, I would like to say that I was either ahead, or stayed within 20 LAUNDA points of Peter Elsaesser til September 1998, where Peter clearly stepped it up to a better level along with Alex Penev to finally put the hurtin on me. I of course was able to get the championship back for 6 days before getting crushed back for 66 point LAUNDA deficit in Non-sc while I play SC's and catch up on updating and such. I would also like to say that I had a full-time job and a full-time updating position at kart 64 players while I was competing, and during this time, I still stayed close. For these reasons, I feel that quote was not justified.

However, what you will learn today is where my 2nd poor decision came in. Instead of attacking the time, I attacked the person, Peter Elsaesser which I also owe an appoligy too. As I have stated before, I am not excusing him for some of the things he has related to Rene and Rene has stated to me. Even after confronting RENE about the issue, I still wasn't satisfied that Peter had respect for me. Perhaps, In some ways, and after my actions, I did not deserve it, but before I acted poorly, it was clear I did not have this and it was not justified, thus the 2nd poor decision I made by letting it get personal. My position in the community relies on me being impartial, and if I am not, I am not doing my duty as a high ranking community member. Don't forget, I am no worse or no better than any other community member. My only difference is that I have a higher responcibility for doing the right thing and making sure the right thing is done, and I have failed to do so. I failed the community and I failed myself.

To go on about the issue, after Peters Retirement, I knew what I had to do. Being the Type-A you have to be to be the best, I wanted to disprove this sediment. After all, maybe Peter was right, maybe I truly was no competition for him for real. Maybe he was just holding back cause of me so he was not getting better on purpose as I believe was also stated in that message board posting in so many words. Well this both pissed me off, and at the same time, made me wonder if he was actually justified in saying this. Well... he was not! In the same amout of time it took him to get 66 LAUNDA ahead of me, I got back ahead of him! This can be reflected on LAUNDA's last update of his site if you care to check out LAUNDA 10/98!

Finally Peter came back as Gallo got better, and there was a final time where I was a contender but sorta out of it. At this point, I was not receiving any of the strats. There was an embargo of strats as far as most people went. NOONE was giving me strats. I had to find out from lower ranked karters that were just tossed the info in hopes of catching back up. Well here is where this 2nd poor decsion gets worse. I allied with Brian Gallo after I told him about that posting that was made and how I felt about it. He was outraged and from that point on, he vowed to beat Peter or anyone else siding with him in Kart. I of course helped all I could, but it was clear at this point, that Peter was finally justified in myself being "NO COMPETITION"... Now it is justified, back in the summer of 98 I do not feel it was. Anyhow, using my influence in a hurtful and distructive way, I aided Gallo by never attacking his times and eventually this forced Peter into Retirement.

During this time, I even hurt Penev cause he quoted that he favored Peter over Gallo, and I broke his and the communities trust by relaying over and over messages from himself and Gallo on reactions. For this reason, Penev too was temperarely forced into Retirement. Face it, I hurt the competition in the top spots out of revenge, and aided Brian Gallo to an unfair extent. You all wonder why he got so far ahead? Well most of it was him. Brian was very determined and he really worked hard at constantly improving his strats, and was very disiplined in practice. However, as an allie I undermined the community. So now ya know the truth...

-The Jason Whalls Inactivity-

Ok I know you think this should make no difference in my own updating, but your wrong. What you didn't know is that Jason Whalls was a bigtime advisor for my site, so we talked about everything. Even stuff you guys never knew, we chatted about. So when he went inactive and got tired of Kart, this had an effect on me. Not enough alone no, but an effect yes. Just remember, he was part of the feared 4, and he had a strat page with all the strats that you all copied and made better later on when you were all metophorically still in dypers! I totally missed having Jason on the advisor list cause he was always the one I got to let of steam near and he listened and calmed me down til I thought of a more rational way to communicate what I felt. He also wasn't afraid to tell me when something seemed really messed up. We of course disagreed on some issues, but basically this was the very thing I needed from an advisor.


In the last months, I came to some realizations about things. Cause of unforseen issues, and not fully being able to efficiently and proficiently get through them, it was clear I was starting to fade. Site Members left either peacefully or not so peacefully, and this had an effect on me. Also, self updating was getting popular, so I stopped writing down the times each week for analysis. I also failed the time to give the list a good look, so when I updated, if even one person was not in the right spot, it would all be messed up. Then the new SCs hit, and everyone disagreed on how to handle the SCs. So the Phoney WR didn't get updated cause of that. Eventually, so many things happened that I was just getting fed up. I no longer could do my updates and feel I'm doing my duty as the Kart Historian around here. I was just updating to get it done and not to tell everyone what is going on in Kart for the set amount of time. So what is a person to do? Well hopefully I can think it out, but first, the last issue that made it clear I needed to be away til I can work out my personal problems.

-The Crowning Of A New Champion, Steven Zwartjes-

I was sure at this point, that I don't belong on the updating block. When he became #1 in the world, I was not even excited about it. Once again, I let what another karter said and did get personal, and cause of this, I knew I needed to get away. This was not fair to him, not fair to the community! I was once again expressing my displeasure at events, and went as far as saying Steven didn't fully respect the history of Kart by stating how many hours he played vs his rank. I'll say this again... It is clearly easier these days to get better cause of the tools out there. Steven worked very hard at the boards required and he made it happen. He reached alot of his goals on his way to retirement. He achieved alot of high marks, and eventually answered every skeptic by beating Gallo in all statistical areas at the end of Steven's Career. I don't know, I just saw myself doing the same thing with Peter. I think this time it was worse, cause as you know, Steven beats me at all the big games now, even kart, and when I had Kart over him, I felt secure that I at least had that, and when he beat me there, I changed. It wasn't made apparent til about when a karter approached me about something he said and what it meant to him, and I began to feel the same way. Next news update Steven, I will give you the coverage you deserve, but for now, all I can give you in sincerity is that I was wrong for being biased and leaving you out of the updates at the peak of your greatest achivements, and I clearly did not do my duty as a community member when I chose not to do this. I cannot make right what I did... I can only do now what I at the very least should have done at the time(s) these achivements where made. I shall do this now cause even though it's late, it's not never and it NEEDS TO BE SAID cause it's the right thing to do.

*Steven Zwartjes, on behalf of Kart 64 Players, I would like to congratulate you in becoming the New Kart 64 Player's World Champion! You showed Great Determination in Earning this Title that you have rightfully deserved. I wish you the greatest of experiences at the top of the Ladder. Keep up the Great Karting, Kevin Booth, Oregon...

*Steven Zwartjes, You have had a great career. You have accomplished alot in just the short months you have decided to come back as an Elite A at my site, and make it all the way to the top and with an exact ZERO score by the current version of the LKR used by Rene Elsaesser, Alex Penev, and many others. I wish you the best of luck in Jet Force Gemini and any other game you get your hands on. Also, Good luck in the coming championships you will be involved in. Kevin Booth, Oregon...

-In Response To Current Activity-

I must thank everyone for the continued patronige to this site, and for all the postings at the message board. This made me realize that I must get straighened out and get this site going again. Alot of people still have views and still want things around here to go on whether or not they even play kart. Face it, this experience was more then about Kart, it was about all the great people we have met in the process. So I am now gonna do my duty to the community and get things back going. check daily for news updates, but not site updates quite yet. I think there is much I need to answer and do before I tackle such a big project. Next update, alot of questions will be addressed. A newletter will be given out to my list as soon as I upload the news. If have not received this, PLEASE email and tell me that you want to be on the list. I am missing some of the newer members of the list, and ya, I plan on getting the new members on here alot with the updates as soon as I assemble the new team and organize a plan. I bid all ya farewell til tomorrow...

Kevin Booth, Oregon

October 28th 1999
Dual Update

-Summary Of Events-

Oh man, where do I start? So much has happened since i have last done a full update. Since this time there are a few players that I am just estatic about how great they have been doing! Also alot of great comebacks are beginning as well by some of the veterans of the game that have been out a couple months. Lots of big news to tell ya about and some of it is so big, I don't dare tell it yet til I get some confirmation one way or another, but til then, I've updated alot of the unupdated pages. Special Thanx must be given to Nathan Stinson for getting me going on my work and busting out countless pages. He did the Phoney WR, Player's List, a Few Profiles, The News Archive and much, much, much more! He continues to work on stuff to get the PL done, so I can work on a secondary project of getting the combined top 25 going. Before I do that, I must make sure Rene has everyone's times posted in both top 25's! Until that happens, I shall not start work on the top 25s yet. Still have plenty of other things to do, and Nathan and I will try to bust them out in an orderly fashion, but if you wanna lend a hand, feel free to bust out a kewl hidden page, or share an idea or 2.... My Email Bag is open for you!

-News By Karter-

BRIAN GALLO: Is still inactive as of now. however, Novemember might be when he comes back to kart. Time Will Tell. As far as his status here, nothing has been found grievancewise for further investigation as of yet, but til proof still comes in, the times you see on his profile now, are the ones that will be there til then. He is barely hanging onto first from the hungary duo of Zwartjes and Simmons!

STEVEN ZWARTJES: Has had an awesome month! He is now #2 in the world and SO CLOSE to Brian Gallo. He now has 15 wins vs him in Matchups and is only approximately 0.40 behind his lap statistics! He is blowing Gallo out in LKR but Gallo fires back with a blowout in 3lap Total Times! Til Rex updates the current stuff, I am using the Lap Stats and the Matchups to determine what to do. So 2 wins and a .30 shave off the Lap Total Times for Steven, and we have a new WORLD CHAMPION!!!!

MIKE SIMMONS: May have just got passed by Steven, but he also passed Alex Penev, so now he is the #3 seed in the world! This is quite the achivement for Simmons, which was once just your above average shortcutter. Now he is dominant in about every facet of the game vs most of the field but Legend B and over! Very Amazing Mike! He had to take some time off cause of exams, but he is here and contending for the top spot in the world!

ALEX PENEV: Was inactive last week and so far this week, but before he left, he did set some great times on KTB and SL before Steven Zwartjes Trampled over those great times. Alex has lost 2 positions, but still sits in a semi-good spot for the #1 Spot of he so chooses to persue it. However powerhouses Simmons and Zwartjes are pulling away and VERY FAST!

KEVIN BOOTH: Has set a few times since our last update. Mostly on courses that he should have done better ages ago. Finally after 13 months of trying, Kevin Booth landed LR 3lap SC 3/3! Crappy time, but he landed it. Also FS 3lap went down a bit and Rainbow SC went down to NTSC WR marks for a bit... Lastly KD lap went down after some strategy changes. Since then Mario Golf entered the picture and put Kart on hold for a bit...

SAMI CETIN: Set his first PR in awhile on KD lap by 2 hundredths of a second. He also set some SMK times too awhile back to answer the Challenge of Kent! He says he would like to make Legend D on my site very soon, and he sure has that potential if he so chooses to continue judging by his SMK success!

GREG IHNATENKO: Has set some great times and has reached some great milestones. He has finally went under 1'40 on LR, and set a scary time on KTB! He has also passed Dave Hines in the rankings and is going for LPS and CETIN next!

IACOPO SORCE Hasn't done much PRwise for the most part, but has messed with some times and continues to better his times. His quest to make Legend Shall not be stopped!

MATT BATASTINI: IS BACK FOLKS! He has set many new fastlap PRs, and some amazing 3laps as well! So look for him to try to get into the legend realms as well. Many great Kings Chasing after him, so perhaps he will have more to worry about then just what is ahead!

DAVID WONN: Is not exactly what we call active yet, but he is testing out SCs and setting PRs and all as a results... Rainbow SC, YV SC lap, KD lap, FSSC lap and DK SC lap have lowered as a result of just tinkering around here and there. These times should help him a bit vs Miler for now...

BEN MILLLER: Hit some SC times that are updated in his profile. He has managed to hold off Sterling Neblett and Chris Hames...

CHRIS HAMES: Has been amazing too! Alot of great times for him as well, as he tries to take care of business on Horwitz and try to beat some more very tough kings!

NATHAN STINSON: Has been doing awesome lately... he even broke elite!!!! DK Non-sc has to be his absolute shock of the month. That time is just amazing, and we all have a feeling he will be taking off much time in the coming months!!!

KRIS MILO: Personally puts Retirement out of style and comes back with a purpose! He is heading to the Elite Ground and quick! Probably by the time I post the news, he will already have been there! Nice to have you back Milo!

Dave Crawford: Is our newest member to Kart 64 Players... he has already moved up 20+ Spots before i could even post his times, so were talking a player with some SERIOUS potential! Keep up the great work Dave!

NEW PLAYERS: To The Site, or ones that finally got profiles also include Eli and Kara Young. Finally, Steven Kittel gets a profile, and David Burnham's Times are listed for your pleasure!!

Thanx for visiting the Mario Kart 64 Player's Page! This Page was founded by Kevin Alan Booth, From Pleasant Hill Oregon approximately 8/15/1997! This was Kevin Booth's first official page, excluding perhaps a very pathetic page he made for his times, back when he knew little HTML, and had no help whatsoever. This page was made in the dream of finding more talented players out there, which it has done so! Inspired by Andy Launspach's Kart Page, and of course, all the great people in the LOUDHOUSE, this page went from (3000+ Hits) to Geocities (800) and to it's first Angelfire Location (Same Counter From Then On), to VGHQ, and back to Angelfire at Kart64tt! Lastly, One Last move to Acmecity, which sux cause of the banners, but more moves seem lame so I shalls stay put! Along the way, I've gotten so much help from everyone. All this WILL SOMEDAY be updated in my thanx page, but I shall thank the main contributers here! First, Andy of course inspired me to recruit for his page cause it was attempting to gather the best, but let's face it... LAUNDA was never into Public Relations, so I did that best! Also, Tables V 1.0 was made by Mike Klass, which got me off my feet. Later, Nathan Johnson and Alex Penev made other additions to the Profiles that you will see on the active players! Finally, the rest I have to give credit to Matt Horwitz for the design of the Main Page, and Jason Whalls, Iacopo Sorce, and Andy Launspach for contributing to the content of the site... There is David Wonn who has been The Shortcut King, and has discovered and brought forward many SC's! We got Myles that sorta took Wonns place and did the same. Many Player's like Whalls,Daniel P, and Penev that have made efforts to unite all the strategies. Mike Simmons also had a part in promoting versitility with the Versa Kart Page. Rene "REX" Elsaesser took off where Andy did and along with his PAL page, included the NTSC PAGE TOO! Kris Milo helped distribute and validate many Karters, and much thanx must be mentioned there for the countless $ he put into that.... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lastly, to all that have became members! So what is in the future? Who Knows... My Dream.. someday, but that shall wait.... Later All! When you think of Kart, you think of me.... In Kart... Anything Can Happen!