Hello friends. Welcome to our website. This is dedicated to some of the most underrated films of all time, such as The Hills Have Eyes, Shocker, April Fools Day, The Maniac Cop series, PCU Pit Party and more. After searching across the web, for pages on these films and not finding many (none for most of these films) we decided that it was time we took matters into our own hands and made one ourselves. We know that what we have here isn’t much, but it’s a hell of a lot better than most of the nothing that’s out there. We hope that you will enjoy our attempt at trying to provide info and a tribute to these films. If you have any questions or comments, or run a site related to any of these films, please feel free to email either one of us.

Please Click Here And Read This Message.

LAST UPDATED 16 of Feb 2000.

Wow. The first update for a long time. Yes we are still running the page its just that I am very busy. The 'Maniac Cop' page has been updated and there seems to be a problem with the guest book which I will try and sort out soon. I will try and update the website more often, but then again I always say that.

An American Werewolf In Paris,
April Fools Day
Billy Madison
PCU Pit Party.
Other Good Films

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If you wish to use any of our pictures, please E-mail us first. If you have a page, we would greatly appreciate it, if you could add a link to us. If you want us to link your page, E-mail one of us.

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Email: underratedmovies@yahoo.com