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Who Am I?

*****An Invitation from TSS*****

My name is David H. Kessel and I'm a married man with 5 children...2 living with me now...and 5 cats.

My wife's name is Barbara K. Kessel...information about her academic background can be found HERE.

Since 1985 I've been a college teacher of Sociology, Criminology/Criminal Justice, and Political Science.

From 1985-1990 I taught fulltime in the University of Wisconsin System.

From 1991-1998 I was an part-time teacher for a variety of schools in Ohio.

From 2000 to the present I've been teaching Sociology part time for Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.

(2002-2003), I was a Visiting Professor of Sociology at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon

Fall 2002 I taught "American Society" to Japanese students at Tokyo International University in America in Salem, Oregon

I've also taught extensively in state Prisons (WI and Ohio) from 1986 - 1998

My general non-academic RESUME is here

For a viewable and clickable version of my Curriculum here
(For a more "print-friendly" version of my Curriculum here

TSS Directory

Email Address

What does ABD mean?

It stands for All But Dissertation...meaning I finished all my graduate school work except my dissertation. Yes, that means I did not graduate, but there is something positive about it. It means I...

1--- Completed all my course work on a PhD level

2---Successfully completed my Written Examinations

3---Successfully completed my Oral Examinations

4---Put together a Dissertation Committee with a Major and a Minor Professor

5---Reasearched and Wrote a Dissertation Proposal

6---Defended my Proposal before Dissertation Committee

7---Wrote approximately two chapters of the dissertation

Thus, I did considerable work on my PhD...including three (3) years as a Teaching Assistant (2 courses per semester) and one (1) year as a Research Assistant. After a total of seven years of graduate school, I accepted a fulltime position and have been unable to finish my dissertation since then...although I tried to arrange it, but was unable to do so due to circumstances at LSU.

Also while at LSU, I was the President of the Sociology Student Graduate Association for one year. In addition, I was selected for the ASA's Honors Student Program and served as both V-President and President of the Honors Program Student Association.

Finally, I am writing this to counter the "definition of the situation" in academia that I "only" have a Masters if everything I did listed above doesn't exist and doesn't count towards my educational training and preparation to teach college or...even BE a sociologist. I fully understand "credentialization" and its powerful influence in the hiring process...that's the problem, it's far too powerful an influence when it comes to "qualifications." These two concepts are quite different, but they tend to be my opinion.
