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I suppose all the complaints I received on this sight were correct. It was too mundane,too regular and gave far too much structured information. Now I will try a different direction ,how about discussions of "the self"? Things I have ideas about ,some things I still seek. I believe a homepage is a bit like the billboard of our exterior selves. That which we paste up for public view. At one time, I was seduced by the complex ,showy versions ,only to discover, that they had shown everything. For whatever reason, some people allow "all" themselves to show through, not seeming to care or wishing to control the way the world sees them. These people I call the "Ornate group" They use flashing lights and sultry language to draw the viewer, but once there, you are left wanting.The simple,one mode renditions,are the ones to look at.It shows the builder was cognizant of the public ability to view and with effort,shaped and groomed the painting of self.I believe that pain shapes to anger (if not recognized and muted)love lost,shapes into acute independance,and the inability to gain forward motion turns to apathy.

It is the simpler less obvious public selves I now watch. This group has understood the billboard and groomed it to a simpler form. These are , the "more than" people. They seem to be More controlled, More intelligent,More independant of the world. Just as no diva would sing for the cooks in a burger joint ,this group is seldom heard. In moments of panic or anger their light breaks through but then they are guilt ridden and will pay for the faux pas, with a piece of self respect ,for making someone feel ,'less' .It is a trick of the large to stay small, the unspoken law that says "you must make yourself smaller, for it is unfair to expect them to be bigger."There are many out there, but they are difficult to find and even harder to capture, for they are wary of the consequence of your knowing them,,, elusive and intricate they are wondrous friends.

The third billboard is the most interesting for me,,they are the,"fire children". Billboards are sometimes made by effort of will and sometimes by fate,,, most of the "fire children", are fate made.This happens when an event in ones life is so egregious ,so out of the norm,that the base we all rely upon as our 'ground work of self',no longer exists or does not apply. They no longer can communicate with the world in their ,before voice.All the rules of childhood , the lessons, the love, the learning to control and to cope, have no bearing now.It is burned away, and the self must make a new base,one that conforms to the fire. Like children who have survived war ,they miss the lessons ,the music, the dance. Their voices change ,those that survive. They are the poets and artists and madmen,speaking to us in the only way they know how. "The fire children" are the philosophers and dreamers ,they are the leaders we never acknowledge, they are called eccentric and temperamental but they are the concentric souls and they lead us in ways we seldom look at..

I suppose this is enough ranting for now, any comments ,care to debate or add to it?.... Sign the guestbook or drop me a line. All billboards are welcome...

......Issy "Daughter of Ra"..........

One of my favorite quotes was written by Montaigne,, it is, I think , his idea of billboards. "Had my intention been to court the world's favour, I should have trimmed myself more bravely,and stood before it in a studied attitiude. I desire to be seen in my simple ,natural, and everyday dress, without artifice or constraint; for it is myself I portray."

If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time --Marcel Proust

I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.--Gibran

Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, Only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness. So on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another. Only a look and a voice; then darkness again and a silence. - - - -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "Tales of a Wayside Inn"

Though they go mad they shall be sane. Though they sink through the sea, they shall rise again. Though lovers be lost, love shall not, And death shall have no dominion. - - - -Dylan Thomas

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The Different Dictionary
The Art Of War-- Sun Tzu
The Poetry Archives
Have fun with your brain!
Further mutterings, of Issy
