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Any dog coming into your home will need the opportunity to adjust to your family's style and dynamics. Your new dog needs to fine his or her place in the existing relationships of your household. If you understand how canine behavior works, you can make this transition easier. We especially recommend the following books and videos. We will be happy to help you get a copy, or check at your local library or video store.

Second Hand Dog: How to Turn Yours Indo a First Rate Pet, Carol Lea Benjamin, Howell Book House, 1988.

Surviving Your Dog's Adolescence: A Positive Training Program, Carol Lea Benjamin, Howell Book House, 1993.

How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: A Training Manual for Owners, The Monks of New Skete, Little Brown Press, 1978.

AKC Dog Care and Training, American Kennel Club, Howell Book House, 1991.

Responsible Dog Ownership, Kathy Diamond Davis, Howell Book House, 1993.

The Total Shiba, Gretchen Haskett & Susan Houser, 1997.

Sirius Puppy Training, Pacific Arts Video, narrated by Dr. Ian Dunbar, 1992.
Train Your Dog Before Your Dog Trains You, American Pet Industries, 1991.

Remember to ask us about:
*High quality dog food *Heartworm preventative *Crate training
*Obedience training *Grooming *Housing

Shiba Inu Rescue


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