Loved Lines

Whether it was meant to be serious, funny, dramatic, or romantic, the Young Riders had some great scripts. Do you have a particular favorite line from your favorite character? If you do, I'd love to hear it and post it on this page. Just send it under subject heading "Quotes." List the character who said it, along with your name and I will get it up as soon as possible.

"A man sends someone to kill me, I make it my problem." ~Jimmy~


Teaspoon: "That big Beckwood is gonna slow you down something serious, Jimmy."

Jimmy: "You pick your traveling companions, I'll pick mine."

Submitted by Adam

Jimmy: "Let's rush em!"

Buck: "He's even crazier than we thought!"


IKE: He came for me...

KID: Then he came for us!

Submitted by Joanna

"You wanted justice but you weren't willing to fight for it. When the time to comes to stand up, you look the other way. Lambert may have stole your money, but you sold your souls." ~Kid~

Submitted by Louise

"I had some at a fair in St. Louis years ago. Still remember that first taste. It was like eating a frozen cloud, all cool and sweet. The cold just sort of melts on your tongue and wiggles through your inners. Perfect for a hot day like this." ~Teaspoon~

Submitted by Gina

Kid: "Jimmy?"

(no answer)

Kid: "Jimmy!?"

Jimmy: "You got something to say, Kid, or do you just like the sound of my name?"

Submitted by Sky

Jimmy: "Breakfast is ready."

Cody: "Ya know I think it's real nice, Rachel taking Jesse to get his teeth fixed in St. Joe, but I don't know if I can survive another week of Hickok's cooking."

Lou: "Are we having porridge again?"

Cody: "Yep. Lou, has your horse eaten yet?"

Jimmy: "Enough Cody!"


Cody (to Jimmy): "See what happens when you have such a big reputation?"

Teaspoon: "Yeah that's right Cody, but seeing I'm laid up the way I am, you can go in my place."

Jimmy: "See what happens when you have such a big mouth?"

Submitted by May

Jimmy:"Cody, ya know the trouble with you is your always making mud out of clear water."


Cody: "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna keep my money in my sock from now on."

Jimmy: "Lord knows you ain't hurting for room there, seeing how your foot is usually in your mouth."

Submitted by Mae

Lou (dressed as a saloon girl):"How do I look?"

Jimmy:"Definitely missed your calling."

Submitted by May

Jimmy (holding a stuffed owl): "What do I do with this thing?

Cody: "Leave it be. That there belongs to me Jimmy. If it goes I go.

Jimmy: "Oh, now were talking.

Submitted by Madison

Lou (quoting Teaspoon): "Son, theres only one thing you can't save a person from and that's themselves.


Teaspoon: "There was this one fellow, he was so used to looking for trouble, I had to hide it from him just to keep things interesting."

Jimmy: "So what ever happened to this young fella?

Teaspoon: "Much to my surprise, he growed up. And you know what? You turned into a hell of a man."

Submitted by May

Teaspoon: "You got a hair trigger?"

Jimmy: "Yep."

Teaspoon: "I don't like hair triggers around me."


Jimmy (to Emma):"Why am I old enough to get shot but not old enough to love you?"

Submitted by Cindy

Noah: "Hope ain't known for its high probability in time.

Submitted by Madison

Kid (to Curly): "Go get your fool head shot off, see if I care!"


Kid: "I thought you said it was a good day to die."

Curly: "Mmm, tomorrow is better."


Jimmy to Lou (about Curly): "I really like this guy's attitude!"

Submitted by Kristin

Kid (to Lou): " . . . leaving you would be the hardest thing I ever had to do . . . "

Submitted by Julia

Lou: "May I please have your autograph Mr. Cody or maybe a picture, since your never around."


Noah (talking about a book he gave Jimmy): "Do you good to broaden your horizons.

Kid: "Yeah Jimmy. Especially if you read more than the last page."

Jimmy: "Enough things happen in my life where I got to worry about what's gonna happen next. Often, I can skip the anticipating and get on with it."

Submitted by May

Kid (to Jimmy): "I was wondering if I could ask you a question?" Jimmy: "You just did."

Kid: "It's got to do with Lou."

Jimmy: "Oh, well it's about time, we were wondering when she'd finally start closing in on ya, some of us even made bets."

Kid: "Who won?"

Jimmy: "Ahh, Lou."


Lou: "OK, so Abigail Mcpherson is pretty.." (Jimmy and Cody give her a look) "Alright, she's beautiful, but can she ride?"

Jimmy: "Funny, I was just thinkin' that."

Emma approaches,

Emma: "Well Jimmy, Cody, you're both wrong, she was smiling at Lou."

Jimmy & Cody: "Lou!!"

Emma: "I guess she takes a shine to the silent type."

Jimmy: "She'll love Ike then."

Submitted by Ann

"Every since you all found out that Lou was a girl, she's been acting more and more like a woman!" ~Kid~

Submitted by Kirsten


Kid: What's wrong?

Lou: Nothin'

(Jimmy looks at Lou and quickly turns away)

Jimmy: "A girl?"

Lou: "Something wrong with that?"

Jimmy: "Only thing wrong with it is I didn't say it sooner. I'm tellin' ya Lou its a relief because the way you and The Kid have been lookin' at each other... I even caught myself lookin' at you like that a couple of times."

Lou: "Like what?"

Jimmy: (shyly) "Mmm, you know."

Lou: "No, Jimmy I don't know."

Jimmy: "All I'm gonna say is that you're the best lookin' boy I know."

Lou: "Why Jimmy." (giggles)

Cody: "I wouldn't let that go to your head Lou...I've seen him lookin' at his horse the same way."

Submitted by Shannon

Kid (To Lou after a horse threw him): "How long was I on?"

Lou: " I don't even think you touched the saddle."

Kid: "You're so smart, you try."

Buck: "Come on Lou. Mount up."

Lou: " No thank you!"

Submitted by Tatum

Noah (after Jimmy has just knocked him off the fence): "Thought you knew how to break a horse?"

Jimmy: "Well, I thought you knew how to sit on a fence?"

Submitted by James

Cody to Jimmy: "I love you too Hickok, but I'm better at distance than you now git."

Submitted by Sarah

Rachel: There are two kinds of men who make their living with a deck of cards, the talkers and the players.

Lou: So?

Rachel: So, I know JD Higgins and if there's one thing he's not, it's a player.

Lou: Maybe he learned?

Rachel: Yeah and maybe someday I'll stand at the trough with the rest of the boys.


Jimmy (to Teaspoon): I'll go with Noah and that way if anything happens I can cover him.

Noah: I don't need no 10 cent hero to back me up.

Rachel: How 'bout a 2 by 4 upside the had to knock some sense into that skull of yours.

Submitted by Ann

Lou: I ran away from an orphanage in St. Jo. I got a little brother and sister still back there. A girl with no Ma, no Pa, no kin. What left for me? scrubbin' floors or worse?

Kid: Well, isn't there something else you can do?

Lou: Why should I? I've already proven I'm as good as you- Hickock, Cody, any of you!

Kid: What's your real name?

Lou: Louise- Louise McCloud.

Kid: (Trying to shake hands) Nice to meet you, Louise.

Lou: (Slapping his hand away) You met me already.

Kid: You won't fool people forever.

Lou: I won't have to. I'm going to save all my money, get a place of my own, get brother and sister out of there. Kid don't tell, they'd get rid of me for sure. Kid you can't tell.

Kid: Well, you just heel up and we'll see.

Submitted by Sarah

Cathleen Devlin to Buck: What did he want?

Buck: He wanted to buy you.

Cathleen: He wanted to buy me?

Buck: He offered me three ponies.

Cathleen: And what did you tell him?

Buck: I asked for four.

Cathleen: And what if he accepted?

Buck: Then I'd be a rich man. Don't worry his limit was three, besides he said you were too skinny. Don't worry I think your worth four ponies easy, maybe five.

Submitted by Jackie

Jimmy to Kid: Kid you got all the answers, problem is they ain't to my questions.

Submitted by Rae

Jeanette's Loved Lines

Jimmy, Cody, and Kid are helping Emma and Lou put a wheel on the buckboard. Cody suddenly lets go when he sees Abigail approaching. Hickok and Kid groan in agony.

Cody: "Tell me I ain't died and gone to heaven."

Jimmy: "You're gonna die if you don't help!"

Kid: "It ain't gonna be heaven you're going to!"

Jimmy hits Cody with his hat.

Jimmy: "What's gotten into you lettin' go like that?"

Cody: (pointing at Abigail) "That!...I think she smiled at me."

Jimmy: "You wish. It was me she was smilin' at. You're just so cock-eyed you can't tell the difference."

Cody: "Oh yeah? Then who's she waving at?"

Jimmy: "Me."

Emma: "Me."

Cody: "I'm in love."

Jimmy: "With yourself."

Lou: "Okay, so she looks nice in a dress."

Jimmy: "Fills it out real nice."

Lou: "What do you think Kid?"

Kid: "Safer not to."

Lou: "Okay, so Abigail McPherson's pretty...Alright she's beautiful. But can she ride?"

Jimmy: "Funny, I was just thinking that."

Emma: "Sam, Jimmy might be a fool but that's not a hanging offense."

Lou: "Jimmy, I almost got my hands free. See what you can do with the ropes."

Jimmy smiles devilishly as he twists his hands.

Lou: "The ropes Jimmy, the ropes."

Jimmy: "Sorry Lou, when it comes to women my hands just got a mind of their own."

Cody (to Jimmy): "How does it feel to be naked in public?"

Girl approaching Buck at a dance...

Girl: "Excuse me. Is it true you've scalped lots of people?"

Buck: "Just one." (he nods towards Ike) "Him."

Cody (to Buck): "Ike still sore at me?"

Buck: "He knows you didn't mean anything. He'll get over it."

Cody: "I'd wish he'd hurry. It's bad enough when somebody won't talk to you. With him it's down right spooky."

Jimmy (to Banker): "Then how do you know it was Hickok?"

Banker: "He said so, plain as day."

Jimmy: "Why would he wear a mask and then tell you his name?"

Banker: "Well from what I hear he is none too smart."

Kid (to Jimmy about Rosemary): "You know what I think...I think that now that her husband's dead all you care about is taking his more ways than one."

Submitted by Jeanette

Kid and Jimmy are in the bunkhouse talking about Lou. Kid is sitting at the table and Jimmy after pouring himself a cup of coffee, sits down with the Kid.

Kid- "I'm glad I can provide you all with such amusement."
Jimmy- "We ain't making fun of you Kid, we're all rooting for you."
Kid- "Then how 'bout givin me some advice."
Jimmy- "sure"
Kid- "What do I do now?"
Jimmy- (snickering) "I wouldn't worry too much about that kid. In my experience events just kinda got a way of working themselves out."
Kid- "Well, I ain't you Jimmy. It was easier before you know, first time I asked Lou to dance she kept backing off." (Pause) "but now"
Jimmy- "yeah"
Kid- "What do I do now she stopped backing off."?

Jimmy- "dance"


Rachel walks up to the porch of the bunkhouse with a package in her hand.
Rachel- "Two riders right now."
Jimmy- (walking toward her) " all right, Ike"
Rachel- "No, Kid and Lou can take it." (looking at Lou) "There's a government Package at the Redford station, you'll have to spend the night there." "Go on" (as Lou gets up to leave) "Louise this may come in handy."
Lou- (looking at the package) "What is it?"
Rachel- "surprise"
Jimmy- "You know me and Ike were up next."
Rachel- "I know, Kid asked me personally for this ride."
Jimmy- "Taking Lou his idea or yours?"
Rachel- (smiling) "his"
Jimmy- (also smiling) " I knew he'd figure it out."


At the hotel in Redford after making love Lou and Kid are in the bed. Lou is sitting on the side and Kid is lying on his side in the bed.
Kid- "You OK, Lou?"
Lou- "I don't know."
Kid- "Couple of hours ago most important thing on my mind was getting on with what We've been putting off for so long."
Lou- (sighing) " Me, too"
Kid- "Seems like doing all that waiting was more important to us than the reason we Wanted to end it."
Lou- "Do you think we made a mistake?"
Kid- (kissing her shoulder) "No"
Kid- "Don't sees we could have done anything else anyway." "Things are going to be different between us now."
Lou- "Maybe better?" " I love you Kid."
Kid- "I love you too, Lou."

Submitted by Tara


From "The Sacrifice" -- Kid to Lou in the jailhouse in Davenport:

"Tryin' to get some help in this town is like sendin' a bucket down a dry well!"

Submitted by Anne H.

This is from "Till Death Do Us Part" Part One. The doors of the chapel have just closed and Jesse and Lou begin down the isle. Moments later Jimmy and Rosemary burst in.

Jimmy: "Hope you two don't mind if I join ya."

Lou takes his arm and they continue down the isle. At the front of the church, just before letting go of Lou, Jimmy turns to Kid.

Jimmy: "Hope ya didn't think I was gonna miss this."
Kid: "Thanks for comin, Jimmy."

Part Two

Later, at the reception, the party is very quiet and few people are dancing. Kid is shifting his food distractedly on his plate.

Kid: "What? I'm sorry."

He looks down at his feet and then back at Lou.

Lou: "Kid, no matter what happened today, I loved our wedding."

She strokes his face gently. "And I love you." She reaches up to hug him and they kiss lovingly.

Submitted by Jayme

From And Then There was One...

Buck: You ever see Teaspoon's horse fly?

Jimmy: Nope, but I've seen a horse's ass... 'bout how I feel right now!

Submitted by Raye

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