A Word from
the Keeper of
the Book of Nasty

OK... This is on here to placate a few of you misguided folks.

This is a roleplaying game page.

It's not for use in real life.


Not even in a "kind of", "almost", "but sort of" way.

Get over it.

If you feel the urge to try this stuff out, to test it's realism, check your own moral thresholds, or whatever; don't. It's not cool. You won't be popular. All you'll do is look lame.

Like a loser who got his/her ideas off of some guy's webpage.

    I make no excuses for the content; I am a product of a world that had no Internet for a sizable amount of time, so don't go claiming I'm an undereducated moron with a Mac, too much time online,  and a public education. (Bah; it's a PC, and I is a graduate). I am not a product of a home filled with abuse, or excessive denial. I am a product of a loving and caring environment. I *choose* to be disturbed. I didn't watch extensive amounts of television; I read instead. I played sports. I still do, but typically not the ones I did in childhood (mall security takes a game of full-contact tag as being "excessive behavior").

    I am Generation X by default; no selection was made on my behalf. I didn't ask for this position. I'll wager no one else gets a vote on *their* birthday, so feel free to judge me based off of my lack of decades of experience. Really. It's so positive, to be reminded of my inability to select my era of birth.

    To respond to the fella who signed the guestbook, regarding the religious aspects of the pages layout. Uhm. We don't sponsor any religion here. We hold the opinion the only good thing to come out of religion was the music. Philosophy ain't our strong point, and neither is theological commentary something we have dedicated any degree of time posting about; it's a personal decision, to have a religion. We don't ask, and we aren't telling, one way or the other.

    As for my inspiration and intent; this stuff either just comes to me as a really sick idea, or I hear about another's person sick idea, and mold it into something page-worthy. I worked in some the White Wolf game mechanics enough times, it should be pretty damned apparent it doesn't work in real life. It's for use in a tabletop roleplaying environment. That's it. Not anywhere else.

If you think this page needs a format change, my medication needs adjusting, or there needs to be a link to a porn site, I'll give you some advice...

Don't bookmark it. If it's offensive, don't look.
Don't let your kid(s) bookmark it. Be a good parent. Keep the children from the "Dark Side".
Don't visit. You won't be any more thrilled by your fifth visit than you were on your first.
Don't let your kid(s) visit it. Well, at least not extensively...
Don't write me. I won't respond. You're not creative enough to elicit a response to me.

    While you're at it, if you're one of the outraged parents who've emailed me a billion times, why not take ten seconds out from your spambombing to let your kid(s) know you love them, or that you'll gladly give them a ride to the mall, or wherever. To Hell with being morally outraged. Be a fuckin' parent once in a while. Chances are, it'll scare your kid worse than anything *I* can do. After all, they can only stare at the screen for as long as *you* let them.

To everyone else, I give this...

Have fun.
Play safe.
Live a long and prosperous life.

We here at the BoN appreciate constructive criticism, but we value our ability to remain sarcastic, even when presented with a valid argument, solid fact, or even some downright tempting rhetoric...

So, please don't ask for us to "tone it down". We won't. Ever. It's a God-given right to be a sarcastic person. Ergo, we shall exercise this right, every chance we get. Forever.

Got it?




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