(PhilCCom Inc.) is formed are:
To develop the use of two way radio and other types of
communications equipment as an effective source of
communications for emergencies, disasters and as an emergency aid
to individuals.
To establish volunteer monitoring of emergency calls, and
reporting such calls to appropriate emergency authorities.
To promote highway safety by developing programs for providing
immediate assistance in relation to traffic, safety, law and
order, and communications assistance to motorists.
To coordinate all efforts and activities with and provide
communications and help to other public safety groups and local
public authorities during emergencies and disasters.
To develop and administer public information projects
demonstrating and publicizing the potential benefits and the
proper use of all communications devices to individuals, industry
and government.
To encourage participation in citizens crime prevention prescribe
and established by appropriate law enforcement agencies.
The Philippine Civil Communications, Inc. is a civic, non profit,
non sectarian, non partisan radio communications group accredited
by various government and private agencies in the Philippines.
Philippine Civil Communications, Inc. is well known as PHILCCOM
INC. and has existing chapters worldwide.
PhilCCom Inc. is an affiliated reserve unit of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines.
PhilCCom Inc. is a member group of the Radio Assistance
Federation, the communications support group of the Philippine
National Police.
Philccom Inc. is a volunteer organization with membership from
all sectors and all walks of life.
Philccom Inc. is accepting membership from those individuals that
would like to help the nation by rendering public service through
Civic Actions and Radio Communications.
Radio Enthusiast who would like to join the group may contact the
nearest PhilCCom Inc. chapter group on their area.
FLARE Inc. (DX1FLR)is using an Echolink board and is linked to the clubs calling frequency, 144.400 MHz, Everyday, 24 Hours x 7 days a week they are connected to the Internet via Echolink with stations around the world. If you like to contact a foreign station, tune to their frequency. You can QSO with foreign Hams but allow a 3 to 5 seconds gap before they reply. Flare Inc. usually connect to the MRILP conference server which are frequented by Filipino Hams.
Partial List of Amateur Filipino Radio ( Pinoy Hams ) Station at Echolink
VE6JNT JOEY Edmonton, Alberta Canada index/node 23096
VE6JNT-L JOEY Edmonton, Alberta Canada index/node 39362
index/node 20001
KC6DYQ EDWIN Texas index/node 12869
DX1FLR-L FLARE Navotas, Philippines index/node 28049
K6GYY BEN Disneyland index/node 20740
VE6ABR ALEX Edmonton, Alberta Canada index/node 5508
DU1UGZ RAMON Dumaguete, Philippines index/node 30402
W6PXT ALAN Long Beach index/node 28603
DX1PAR PARA Pasig City Philippines index/node 20611
VE3UUA RON Toronto, Canada index/node 5703
N6GMS GLENN California index/node 3019
AD6ET-L LEO USA index/node 37717
K6INC-R SCAN USA index/node 38384
KB9JRC ANDY index/node 12903
KE6OST GREGindex/node 24623
K6IRF-R LOT index/node 13887
K6IRF-L LOT index/node 3369
VE4SBS-L BUBOY index/node 6723
VE7WAZ-L ROD index/node 4843
WT2S JOHN index/node 21408
DU1JFE RICARDO index/node 24763
DU1DPE-L ED Navotas, Metro Manila Philippines index/node 6322
DU1OHR BILLY index/node 10118
KH2VC-L RAUL GUAM index/node 9721
VE3UUA-L RON index/node 7653
VE7WAZ-L ROD Vancouver, BC Canada index/node 4843
W6EMS-L EMILIO index/node 6746
NH6QJ-L JOHNNIE index/node 23144
KC6UAX REY index/node 28757
VA7RPA-L RADIO PINOY index/node 23806
W6VAL VAL index/node 22328
VA7INC-L SCAN-BC British Columbia, Canada index/node 44205
VA3JOJ-L JOJO Toronto, Canada index/node 29709
VA7FL GEORGE index/node 5818
VE7OCA ALBERT index/node 8614
VE7JRE BONGindex/node 6615
KK7MK RONNIE index/node 11967
N6WJN RAMIR index/node 24614
KG6ALY RAMON index/node 13990
VE7VDU-L GHIL Vancouver, BC Canada index/node 5350
VE6AFP-L PHILCCOM EchoIRLP Edmonton AB index/node 53228
VA6AFP-L PHILCCOM Calgary, AB Canada index/node 110144
EchoLink is a software which allows Amateur Radio Stations around the World to communicate with one another over the Internet, using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, from computer to station, or from computer to computer.
Base / Mobile Station DTMF Codes for Echolink
00- Random Connect To Any USER
01- Random Connect To Any REPEATER
02- Random Connect To Any CONFERENCE
05- Disables Ilink for 10 Min for local QSO
* - HELP Instructions
# - Disconnect