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Thanks to Natalie Martinez for putting up an adoption center at her homepage.

(Thanks nothin'!)

I adopted Rictor! So say your thanks to Natalie by visiting her webpage! Impossible Dreams

(Yeah, thanks a lot)

Now I leave you with the happy, want a girlfriend, attitude with no hair, Julio!

(Bite me.)

So uh- hey, it's me, and um, I guess I'm stuck here until hell freezes over since she just locked the door on me. At least I don't have to worry about Cable bossin' me around any more. But I'm talking to a screen. So I just want to say...GET ME OUT OF HERE!

So I guess I'm stuck here just like Sam stuck at Binkee's other page. I really don't wanna be here. I'd rather hear a lecture from Cable than be here. (I can't believe I even suggested that.)

Only thing good about this place is a don't have to fight 'Star for the remote. Because I don't have a TV for one thing, hmph...did I mention I don't want to be here?

Well I finally got a Tv! The loco chick actually gave me somethin' besides this stupid ping pong ball to keep me happy, To bad there's nothin' on. Boy would 'Star have a field day with this! Psyhco clown Arcade! Hah!

The last time me and 'Star had to share a television, well, he drove me as crazy as the girl holdin' me here. See what I mean? He had me eatin' my hat.

(Why ric, You actually sound like your startin' to like it here!)

I never never said that!

(oh to bad cause I got you a little friend, she tried hittin' on Shatty but he said no. But if you want to be left alone with Arcade, then that's okay too.)

Please not that Stecky person, that Nat that kidnapped me would kill you...well of course on second thought...

(Hmph. Well here she is. Her name is Sherrié, have fun you two!)

Sherrié: Well how'd you like that! Jerk!

Maybe this ain't so bad after all...

Sherrié: Hands to yourself happy boy!

I didn't do anythin'!

Sherrié: I'm just giving you a warning up front.

Oh this will be fun.

Ric's log, day seven. Me and Sherrié keep to ourselves, I sit on my side of the wall and she gets the run of the room. I think a rebellion is at hand. Some one has got to stop her. She's spray painting everything pink!

Hey this is Binkeee. I want anyone to write about Ric being here, it can be in the writing style above or anything, the only thing I do ask is that you do not have any discriptive SEXUAL or VIOLENT scenes in it. I will take anything read over it and post it here. If you break the one rule I have about being vivid with those subjects, I'll tell you no and that will be the end of that story for me. So write! ;)

"Do not listen to this crazy girl! Write a story of me outta here!"

This was written by Shockwave! Isn't she great?! E-mail her at

ShockWave, Ric fan and fan-fiction writer, walks in to visit Ric who is sitting in the nice room Blinkee prepared for him with some chick called Sherie or something sitting in the other corner. She smiles charmingly at Julio whom she's had a crush on ever since he cut his hair. "Como estas, Julio?"

Rictor jumps up at the sound of her voice. "Hola! Are you here to get me out of here?"

"Uh, no sorry. I like having you in one room where I can get a hold of you whenever I want."

Rictor groans. "You're as bad as the chica who stuck me here!"

"Oh yeah. I'm just mad she got you first! You are my favorite character for fan-fictions"

"Really? How's my fan-fic life?"

"Pretty good. You got Tabitha for a girlfriend, babysat the X-Babies, and get into trouble with Cable all the time." Rictor groans again.

"That sounds awful! Why her for a girlfriend anyway?" ShockWave shrugs.

"You just seemed to be better than Sunspot and Tabitha." Rictor looks up at the ceiling and shakes his fist.

"You only send in people to torture me! Maldita sea!" ShockWave glares at him.

"If you're going to be that way I'm leaving."

"No wait!" She slams the door on his face. In her corner Sherrie laughs.

Thanks Shockwave! ---End Of Visit----


(Sorry Ric! That's another silly broken link.)

Why'd you have to do this now?

('Cause your losing the people's interest that's why! LOW BRIDGE!)

HEY! Watch it!!! I do want to be a dad someday!

(With how Sherrie?)

*glances over at room mate* No chance in hell

(Oh come on! She's nice--I think.)

She likes pink

(So? What's wrong with pink?)

No one likes pink after they pass first grade!!!

(What about Tabitha?)

She's not in that God awful hot pink and neon green outfit anymore.

(Didn't hear you complain' then.)

I wasn't about to insult a chic that can blow my head off my shoulders!


Stay out of this loco chica!

Sherrie: Don't tell ME to shut up greasy!!

*fight takes place and Bink leaves, smiling.*
