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Some Pics of Me and my Friends

You'll have to excuse the quality of the pictures, my scanner sucks some serious ass.

My best friend and I

Here's a pic of me in my friend Anne's kitchen, holding my best friend, Henry Weinhard.

The three stooges.

Here's a picture of Anne, Keirsten, and I. I'm the one WITHOUT breasts.

Special K

Here's a pic of just Keirsten and I. Notice the reflection off my watch from the flash in the bottom right corner, looks like I'm holding a lightsaber.

Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder.

Here's me in the doorway and Keirsten and Justin's house, I'm holding a beer in my other hand. Noticing a pattern here?

Looks like someone skipped photography class.

Anne was trying to take a picture of us together, at least she got half my face.

Here are a few pictures from my theatre days at LBCC.

I was in the play "Tortise and the hare" I played the tortise. Yes that actually IS me in the green suit.

Here's a cast pic from "Tortise." We had to greet all the kids as they left, here's us waving goodbye. We did 18 shows for about 3000 kids from area schools.

Here's another pic from Tortise and Hare, that's my buddy Jon as Basket the dog

Pictures from "Harvey"

I was also in a show called "Harvey." Here's a cast picture.

Here you see the cast taking direction, the director is off camera. I have no idea why I have that look on my face. Looks like someone farted though.

Here's a pic of My then girlfriend, Crystal, and myself, also from "Harvey."

I was also in a show called "JB." I played 5 different parts, it was great! That's me in the blue flannel shirt. The cast was huge!

This pic is cool because if you look closely, not only can you actually see the shell ejecting from the gun, but you can also see my friend Justin flipping off the camera.