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Grath's Redwall Page

c Hi! This is Grath (Or Elizabeth). What a miracle you found my page... or wait... maybe you don't wanna be here. Oh well. Check out the links ne ways! It's all Redwall Related! Almost!
Everything will always be under construction, so come back often!

7/13 Visit the new message board and chat!
7/14: The brand new club is under construction!
7/29: Take the new Poll!
7/20 Get a free e-mail account with!

Click on the crazy rottie to send me e-mail! I am completely open to comments, questions, and suggestions. If you'd like, I'm more than happy to add your page on my links page if you'd like!

OR, to bother me on AOL, my Screen name is Nightwake, and my ICQ # is 34907151. Feel free to contact me to comment on my page. Please no porn mail. Please reveal yourself if you're talking to me for the 1st time. Thanks! Grath
This many people have been on my site... or stumbled on it.

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Sign this too! You have to sign both before you leave this page!

Please link Grath's Redwall page you yours using this banner!

Everything is copyrighted to ME!
No takin nuthin
Everything is Copyrighted to me! I will give it to you pleasantly if you ask
No walking on the grass
Don't touch the wet paint
I'll call the IRS
And I'll tell your Momma
