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The Library

Librarys bookshelves

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     As you enter this large room, done in highly polished red granite, you see to the north and south are high oak bookcases giving the illusion of a room within a room. Placed here and there throughout the room are sofas and overstuffed armchairs made of soft mahogany colored leather. To the west is a small oak desk, obviously sized for a hobbit. On the desk's surface, rests a computer and stacks of papers and books. Behind the desk sits an executive chair, also sized for a hobbit. A smaller bookcase stands next to a laser printer. The books in this case are the most used in the library, being mostly reference books and spell tomes. A tapestry, depicting a bustling draconic city, hangs on the wall on the other side of the printer. In the center of the library is an open shaft. It is twenty feet in diameter, with a four and a half-foot high restraining wall about it. Looking out into the central shaft you notice that this is part of a great atrium. You can now see that the library extends upward four more floors, and downward, another five floors. As you look downward, your eyes are drawn to the huge mosaic world map of Abeir-toril set in the floor of the bottom most level. The mammoth library fully covers all ten floors. Row upon row of bookcases fill every floor. On the fourth floor you find a large leather floor cushion with a bookstand in front of it. This is one of Arangast's favorite places. No sounds are heard from outside the library, suggesting a bit of sound dampening magic at work here.
     Resting upon his favorite cushions, with numerous books stacked about him, lies Arangast. "Greetings once again my friends, and welcome to my library. I know many of you look for books and stories about dragons. Not the kind of stories where an evil dragon is mentioned and then the hero of the story rides off and kills said evil dragon. No! You're looking for the kind of tale where the dragon is intelligent, and is the central character of the story. Being familiar with my many books, I have selected some that I feel might interest you. Below I have listed the titles and authors that hopefully meet the requirements of what you are looking for. I hope you enjoy." He says with a warm smile.

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The Elvenbane (book 1 of the Halfblood Chronicles)
By: Andre Norton and Mercedes Lackey
Tor Books
ISBN # 0-812-51175-1
        This is the story of Shanna, a halfbreed born of the forbidden union of an Elvenlord father with a human mother.  Her exiled mother dead, she was rescued and raised by dragons, a proud, ancient race who existed unbeknownst to elven or humankind.  From birth, Shanna was the embodiment of the Prophecy that the all-powerful Elvenlords feared.  Her destiny is the enthralling adventureof a lifetime.

     The Elvenlords, with magic to change and control their own bodies and the physical world around them, ruled over humans and halfbloods alike with cruel and unquestioned authority.

     The Dragon kin, lived apart from the glittering elven cities, in the desert where none suspected their very existance, nor their secret meddling in the affairs of the elven domain.

     The Prophecy, begun as a small gesture of defiance, a whispered rumor to disrupt the peace of the elvenlord's perfect, decadent world.

     Into the world of this treacherous and glittering land came Shanna, the One who, alone of all the world, had the magic and the will to bring the terror and revenge of her ancestors' righteous cause down upon the haughty oppressors cloaked in Elven finery.


Elvenblood (book 2 of the Halfblood Chronicles)
By: Andre Norton and Mercedes Lackey
Tor Books
ISBN # 0-812-56319-0
        Myre dove, wings flattened tightly to her body, falling from the sky, a dark stone out of heaven.  At the last possible moment she flipped and opened her wings, backwinging in a thunder of wingbeats, breaking her fall and turning it into a true and graceful landing.
     Jamal whipped around, mouth falling open in surprise, bow and arrows dropping from nerveless fingers, as he gaped at the dragon that had suddenly appeared, to block his way.  He froze for just a moment; then, eyes narrowing, he snatched up his weapons and prepared to sell his life dearly.
     Myre laughed.
     "Put your toys away, my friend,"  she rumbled at him in his own tongue.  "And I call you my friend most deliberately.  It is said among your people the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," is it not?"
     Jamal nodded cautiously.
     "Well, then," Myre chuckled, "I am your friend.  My enemies are yours.  shall I name them?"
     At his second nod, she did so, and watched as his own eyes narrowed in satisfaction at each name.

Dragon's Domain
By: Thorarinn Gunnarsson
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-16665-2
        Deep in the darkest forests of Norway, the last of the dragons have survived.
     But their great and magical race hangs on the brink of extinction.  Kalavek, their leader, must find a way to revive the dragons' powers.  He must journey to the underground city of the gnomes.  He must battle the monstrous beings known as shadows...
     But first — and most difficult — he must make friends with a human being.

The Black Wing (A Dragonlance Novel - Villians Series Vol. 2)
By: Mary Kirchoff
TSR Books
ISBN # 1-56076-650-6
        One score and six years before confronting the Companions in Xak Tsaroth, the black dragon Khisanth is awakened from a centuries-long sleep.  The world she had known as a young wyrm is gone, irrevocably changed by the Cataclysm.  Now fully grown, she has much to learn about being a dragon in a world where her kind are feared as the villians in stories told to children.
     Her lessons are hard, learned at the hands of two achingly beautiful creatures who entrust her to save their race; an aging evil dragon who resents Khisanth's innate power; and the only man she considers her equal, one she would honor by carrying him into battle... if only he were not her sworn enemy.
     When a conspiracy at the highest levels of the Black Wing threatens the Dark Queen's army, Khisanth realizes her true devotion to evil and is rewarded with a destiny handed down by Takhisis herself.

Dragon Companion (Book 1 of the Dragon series)
By: Don Callander
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00115-7
   The incredible story of a boy and his dragon — or is it a dragon and his boy?

     "A librarian?  Very good!  That's most interesting." boomed Murdan.  "If you're not bespoken, I can use a librarian in my service, lad."
     "Well...," Tom hesitated.  "Er...providing the terms are fair."
     "Best in the kingdom!  A hundred vols, payable at the first of each month, and all you can eat if we have it to give you.  A bed, dry most of the time, and two blankets if its not.  Mounts, of course—"
     "He'll ride me," interrupted the Dragon suddenly.  He gazed proudly at the librarian he had found.  Tom blinked suddenly back his shock.
     "Very lucky, too, my boy!"  cried Murdan.  "A Dragon Companion is to be envied."
     "Dragon Companion?" asked the Librarian, wonderingly.
     "The title of such men as a Dragon chooses to carry, of course."


Dragon Rescue (Book 2 of the Dragon Series)
By: Don Callander
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00263-3
        Arbitrance Constable had been missing for over ten years—a short time as Dragons lives go, but long enough to cause worry to his family and friends.
     At first they thought he might be indulging in the male Dragon dual desires for wandering and treasure hunting — what Dragons rather euphemistically call "questing."  But as the second decade began, Arbitrance's Companion, Murdan of Overhill, again and again called his mount to no avail.  It was unlike Arbitrance to ignore his Companion's call.
     The Constables began to search for him...

Dragon Tempest (Book 3 of the Dragon series)
By: Don Callander
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00555-1
   Recipe For A Dragon Tempest

Take one librarian from Iowa named Tom.
Add one magical dragon, one  beautiful princess,
and one evil kidnapper named Byron Boldface.
Toss them on a tempest sea of monsters and savages.
Pour over ancient maps until shipwrecked.
Roast over low dragonfire.
Save the girl.

(Don't forget to wash your claws.)


Tea with the Black Dragon
By: R.A. MacAvoy
Bantam Books
ISBN # 0-553-27992-0
        A deft blend of magicks in a dragon, and the newest of sorceries in computers...
     The bizarre mix of middle-aged eccentric heroine Martha Macnamara, a Chinese dragon in a most unlikely form, and a Silicon Valley computer scandal infuses this book with a remarkable flavor.
     The tale of a woman named Martha Macnamara—brought west to San Francisco by her daughter's disappearance—and of the man who changed her life: a mysterious Asian gentleman named Mayland Long who risked his ancient magic powers for her in a battle against modern-day computer wizardry.

Twisting the Rope (sequel to Tea with the Black Dragon)
By: R.A.MacAvoy
Bantam Books
ISBN # 0-553-26026-X
        The peace that Mayland Long has sought for centuries has once again been shattered.  His beloved Martha's only granddaughter has disappeared.  A wild psychic force is loose on the wind.  And one of Martha's motley band of Celtic musicians has just been found dead, hanged with a rope of twisted grass.
     Now it is up to the Black dragon to find the killer among them.  Even if it turns out to be himself...

Dragons Can Only Rust
By: Chrys Cymri
TSR Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0157-8
        "You are no more than a dragon, created by me."  The Master swept an arm at the many things of power that filled the cavern.  "It is impossible for you to feel anything.  Dragons can't feel.  Dragons only can rust."
     In a fantastic and frightening future world, a dragon of any kind would naturally feel more than a little out of place.  Unsure if his existance is a blessing or a curse, Gonard flees the safety of the only home he's known to go on a search for a soul he isn't really sure he has.  He is accompanied on his quest by an android-like medtech — with a hidden and perhaps deadly agenda — and the outler, a young woman from a mining asteroid who will use any means at her disposal to be allowed to remain on Earth, even if she must sacrifice the dragon to do so.

Dragon Reforged (Sequel to Dragons Can Only Rust)
By: Chrys Cymri
TSR Books

Dragonlord of Mystara (Book 1)
By: Thorarinn Gunnarsson
TSR - Mystara Books
ISBN # 1-56076-906-8

Dragonking of Mystara (Book 2)
By: Thorarinn Gunnarsson
TSR - Mystara Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0153-5

Dragonmage of Mystara (Book 3)
By: Thorarinn Gunnarsson
TSR - Mystara Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0488-7

The Dragons of Krynn (A Dragonlance Novel - Collection of Short Stories)
Edited By: Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
TSR Books
ISBN # 1-56076-830-4

The Dragons at War (A Dragonlance Novel - Collection of Short Stories, vol 2)
Edited by: Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
TSR Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0491-7
     Dragons, the true children of Krynn, are power incarnate, and they know it.  They come in all guises and forms.  Their personalities are as varied as their colors.  Their magical abilities are virtually unlimited.  And nothing is so terrifying as dragons on the wing.
     In this collection, a follow-up to The Dragons of Krynn anthology, TSR's authors serve up a fantastical array of dragon tales featuring the motley races of Krynn and the deadliest creatures of the Dragonlance saga.

Dragon Fantastic (Collection of Short Stories)
Edited by: Rosalind M. Greenberg and Martin H. Greenberg
Daw Books
ISBN # 0-88677-511-6

Dragon's Eye
by: Christopher Stasheff
Baen Books
ISBN # 0-671-87609-0

Where Dragons Lie (Book 1)
By: R.A.V. Salsitz
Signet Books
ISBN # 0-451-14055-9
       Slumbering in the Draggon's Graveyard is a power that can rule the world...
     But now primeval powers are stirring from their ageless sleep, preparing for the final confrontation between the forces of Good and the infinite Evil embodied in the Balck Dragon, Nightwing.  Together with the wizard Thurgood and his dwarf friend Toothpick, the demon-hunted swordsman Dar and the princess Sharlin set off on a perilous quest to save the world—a quest that takes them across magic realms and pits them against the terrifying minions of evil in a last desperate search for the fabled dragon's graveyard.  For only if they can awaken the legendary Golden Dragon will they find an ally to match the flaming destructiveness of the dark conqueror—Nightwing...

Where Dragons Rule (Book 2)
By: R.A.V. Salsitz
Signet - Roc Books
ISBN # 0-451-450-73-6
      The End—and the Beginning.
     For the princess Sharlin the awakening of the dragons brings a promise of hope: only with the powers of the pregnant Dragon Queen Turianna can Sharlin return home and lead her people to victory over the evil sorceress.  But first Sharlin and her battle-companion, the commoner Dar, must fight the terrible witchking Valorek.  And with Turianna's help they will succeed if they can accomplish the impossible; go back in time to save a people whose defeat is already etched in stone.  But they must also race against time.  For Turianna is almost ready to spawn her eggs...almost ready to die.

Night of Dragons (Book 3)
By: R.A.V. Salsitz
Signet - Roc Books
ISBN # 0-451-45020-5
      Baalan's wrath cast it's shadow over the world after the golden dragon queen Turianna fled through time with princess Sharlin and her warrior husband Dar.  In a mountain retreat Sharlin and Dar awaited the birth of their son Balforth.  Years passed, and eventually the golden queen was forced to ask of them a price they were unwilling to pay even to save their world—the life of their only son.  Baalan, too, had a need for young Balforth: a special sacriface on the dreaded ritual Night of Dragons.  And when their only son was stolen away, Sharlin and Dar set out on a desperate quest to save the boy—knowing failure meant not only his death, but final bloody enslavement of the whole human race!  

The Dragons (Dragonlance Novel - Lost Histories vol 6)
By: Doug Niles
TSR Books
ISBN #0-7869-0513-1

"When dragons make war, Krynn can only tremble in the shadow of angry wings." 
                                                  —Astinus Lorekeeper

     Aurican and Darlantan, mighty serpents of gold and silver, have been nurtured in a world of wisdom, meditation, and sublime faith.  On the other side of Ansalon, Crematia, a dragon of red, inherits the Dark Queen's legacy of betrayal, violence, conquest, and plunder.
     The advent of a worldwide war sweeps these powerful beings and many more into desperate strife.  Battles rage over Krynn with a fury that threatens to annihilate nations and whole races—even dragonkind.  As campaigns ebb and flow, generations of lesser mortals come and go, and the great serpents are left to determine the fate of the world.  Their triumphs may create a destiny of all-encompassing light or cast the world beneath the shadow of ultimate darkness.


Firedrake (Dragonrealm Series 1)
By: Richard A. Knaak
Questar Books
ISBN # 0-445-20940-2

Ice Dragon (Dragonrealm Series 2)
By: Richard A. Knaak
Questar Books
ISBN # 0-445-20942-9

The Dragon and The George (Book 1)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Del Rey Books
ISBN # 0-345-29902-7
     Jim Eckert was a dragon.  He hadn't planned it that way, but that's what happened when he set out to rescue his betrothed.  Following her through an erratic astral-projection machine, Jim suddenly found himself in a cockeyed world—locked in the body of a talking dragon named Gorbash.
     That wouldn't have been so bad if his beloved Angie was also a dragon.  But in this magical land, that was not the case.  Angie had somehow remained a very female human—or a george, as the dragons called any human.  And Jim, no matter what anyone called him, was a dragon.
     To make matters worse, Angie had been taken prisoner by an evil dragon and was held captive in the impenetrable Loathy Tower.  So in this land where georges were edible and beasts were magical—where spells worked and logic didn't—Jim Eckert had  a problem.  And he needed help, by george!   

The Dragon Knight (Book 2)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Tor Books
ISBN # 0-812-50943-9

The Dragon on the Border (Book 3)
By: Grodon R. Dickson
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-16657-1

The Dragon at War (Book 4)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-16611-3

The Dragon, The Earl, and The Troll (Book 5)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00098-3

The Dragon & The Gnarly King (Book 6)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Tor Books
ISBN # 0-312-86157-5

The Dragon and the Djinn (Book 7)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00297-8

The Dragon in Lyonesse (Book 8)
By: Gordon R. Dickson
Tor Books
ISBN # 0-312-86159-1

The Dawning of A New Age (Dragonlance Fifth Age Novel book 1)
By: Jean Rabe
TSR Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0616-2

The Day of the Tempest (Dragonlance Fifth Age Novel book 2)
By: Jean Rabe
TSR Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0668-5

The Eve of the Maelstrom (Dragonlance Fifth Age Novel book 3)
By: Jean Rabe
TSR Books
ISBN # 0-7869-0749-5

The Glass Dragon (The Dragon Nimbus 1)
By: Irene Radford
Daw Books
ISBN # 0-88677-634-1

By: Barbara Hambly
Del Rey Books

Dragon's Winter
By: Elizabeth A. Lynn
Ace Books
ISBN # 0-441-00502-0

The Last Dragonlord
By: Joanne Bertin
Tor Books

     "Here is some material for you to start with. I'll add more titles from time to time. Also depending on how my time permits I hope to possibly add cover scans of these books as well. Let me know how you liked them. If you know of some good Dragon stories that I may have missed or don't know about, please let me know."

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