
Sarah Verdugo was responsable for helping me with a few of the backgrounds (filler bunny, balogna, noodle boy, orange stripes, circles) as well as making sudgestions as to what looked like shit and what just...y'know..smelled like shit but wasn't too bad.

The happy fuzzy little creatures used in making backgrounds are all the artwork of Jhonen Vasquez, author of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, I Fell Sick, Filler Bunny, Squee, and mastermind behind Invader Zim.

Other than that it was all me....and a page editor..i know i know...i could just do it all in html..but this is how i started it and, believe me..it'd take a LOT of time to change it all into html. At least it's not ALL done with a page editor...i did do all links, text and pictures with html. so there. I'm not completely stupid...but i try.