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The President's Page

I'm proud of being an AFSA member and elected official of this organization. As such, I have an obligation to our members and will do my best to fill this obligation. We have a great local chapter and we are working hard every day to do even more for the base and community. Currently we sponsor many Base awards, Airman Leadership School (ALS), Airman Activity Programs, and much, much more. If you have any ideas of how we can improve our support or if you want to get involved, just give us a call or come to one of our meetings.

We hold Monthly General Membership Meetings at the local VFW  The meetings are held from 1900 2000 hours, except the end of each quarter (July, Oct., Jan., and Apr.) where we hold lunch meetings starting at 11:30, still held on the third Tuesday. These lunch time meetings are to cater to those who can't make our evening meeting.  Our evening meetings also include our Auxiliary members.  

One last word, get involved. AFSA is a powerful organization and will continue to improve our way of life, benefits, and pay.  But they need you!   To be strong they must have members. Please take the time to talk about AFSA to people and sign them up. If you need applications, training, or help - please get a hold of me. Each of us can be a recruiter for AFSA and will make a difference with your efforts. AFSA will continue to be the Blue Suit representation for us, lets do our part to help them out.

Enjoy the information on this homepage and feel free to give us feedback on how we can make it better for you.


Richard Miller

AFSA Chapter 1056, President

Get involved with the issues that effect you and your family Stop by at the next meeting and show your support.

This site maintained by Roger Shaw and Charlie Broussard
Last updated 09/14/2001