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Credit Union Membership Restrictions

In the fall of 1997 the US Supreme Court heard a case from the banking industry that sought to limit Credit Union memberships based on the 1932 Law limiting memberships to only a "core constituency". AFSA and other credit union advocates maintained that the Banking industry effort could close some credit unions and severely limit the range of services available at others.

Credit Unions are very important to AFSA members; often, due to low income, services sought by airmen are only available though credit unions.

Unfortunately, in early 1998 the Supreme Court agreed with the banking industry. AFSA lobbyists worked with Capitol Hill staffers, generated letters to key committee members, and testified before both the House and the Senate, calling for support of the credit unions' position. AFSA threw its full support behind H.R. 1151, the "Credit Union Membership Access Act," sponsored by Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH), that would change the language in the 1932 law to allow a slighyly expanded credit union clientele base.

In April, H.R. 1151 passed the House by an overwhelming vote of 411 to 98. In late July, the US Senate followed the House in Passing the Credit Union Membership Access Act by a a vote of 92 to 6. Recently signed into law, the expanded clientele provision was a sound victory for AFSA members and credit unions.

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This site maintained by Roger Shaw and Charlie Broussard
Last updated 09/14/2001