Java Quiz
Question 1.
Read this piece of
code carefully
if("String".toString() == "String")
System.out.println("Not Equal");
the code will compile an print "Equal".
the code will compile an print "Not Equal".
the code will cause a compiler error.
Question 2.
Read this piece of
code carefully
if(" String ".trim() == "String")
System.out.println("Not Equal");
the code will compile an print "Equal".
the code will compile an print "Not Equal".
the code will cause a compiler error
Question 3.
Read the code below. Will be the result of attempting to compile and
run the code below.
public class AQuestion
public void method(Object o)
public void method(String s)
System.out.println("String Version");
public static void main(String args[])
AQuestion question = new AQuestion();
The code does not compile.
The code compiles cleanly and shows "Object Version".
The code compiles cleanly and shows "String Version"
The code throws an Exception at Runtime.
Question 4.
Read the code below. Will be the result of attempting to compile and
run the code below.
public class AQuestion
public void method(StringBuffer sb)
public void method(String s)
System.out.println("String Version");
public static void main(String args[])
AQuestion question = new AQuestion();
The code does not compile.
The code compiles cleanly and shows "StringBuffer Version".
The code compiles cleanly and shows "String Version"
The code throws an Exception at Runtime.
Question 5.
Read the following code below.
public interface AQuestion
public abstract void someMethod() throws
A Class implementing this interface should
Necessarily be an abstract class.
Should have the method public abstract void someMethod();
Should have the method public void someMethod() which has to throw an exception
which is a subclass of java.lang.Exception.
Should have the method public void someMethod() which need not throw an
Question 6.
An Interface can never be
private or protected.
Question 7.
A Vector class in jdk 1.2
is public
is final
implements java.util.List
is serializable
has only One constructor
Question 8.
A String Class
is final
is public
is serializable
has a constructor which takes a StingBuffer Object as an Argument
Question 9.
public interface AQuestion
void someMethod();
The class which implements AQuestion
Should have someMethod which must necessarily be public.
Should have someMethod which could be "friendly" or public
Should have someMethod which should not throw any checked exceptions.
Should have someMethod which cannot be sychronized as sychronized is not
in the signature of the interface defination
Question 10.
public class AQuestion
private int i = j;
private int j = 10;
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println((new AQuestion()).i);
Compiler error complaining about access restriction of private variables
of AQuestion.
Compiler error complaining about forward referencing.
No error - The output is 0;
No error - The output is 10;
If you have any
concerns regarding any questions in this page, please mail meNOW!!!