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Web Discovery

Welcome to Web Discovery. This is a wee little section about fantastic websites that have just cracked me up, or at least made me bookmark it for some reason. Why they make me laugh is sometimes a mystery, other times it has to do with circumstances.


MegaTokyo, relax, they understand j00. Updated every Monday, Wenesday, and Friday, it's the web-cartoon I eagerly await updates for. Follow the story of Piro and Largo as they traverse the gaming world and attempt to return from Tokyo back home. I like Largo :D, I admire any man who can get hit by a bus and come away with a broken arm and play video games with his tongue. Arooo. Check it out, I love the site, very talented artist.

RPG World, *sigh* Times are tough. Updated every Wenesday, Friday, and Sunday(in color), another web toon site (I LOVE THEM), this one dedicated to an RPG style plotline. Nearly fell off my chair laughing the first time they went into battle. Ripoffs of Final Fantasy and I think some other games (though I can't say from where) which just make you laugh. Even if the art doesn't draw you, the overall humor will.

Living in Harmony With Vegetables Why this page has cracked me up beyond one reason is this: "Especially if someone is a vegetarian for ethical reasons, don't assume they won't object to "just a little" meat in their meal. Would you accept "just a bit" of your cat, or "just a little" of Uncle Jim in your soup?" That and the fact that I was eating a nice big steak at the time. It always makes me laugh.

Rodney Valdez's Home Brewed Page For the simple fact that it talks about beer. It's just too damn cool. Anyone who knows how to home brew beer is A-Ok in my book.

The Village BBS This is a page for a BBS in my area. The guy who runs it, #6, is just beyond wierd. The fact that it's 1 of 2 BBS's in my area still cracks me up beyond end. There used to be at least 20 of them 3 yrs ago!

Bloomingdale High School Oh the glory days. This is my old High School's webpage. Just makes me laugh. Really hard. They consider Mu Alpha Theta a club. It's a geek fest. My Social Studies club is on there. This webpage just sucks. As my fellow classmate just put it: "OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT'S TRUE! THE PREPS HAVE INVADED US HERE AS WELL!"

The Worst Sailormoon Pages Ever  This page deserves a round of applause. There are just way too many shitty Sailor Moon pages out there. Dear god, it's like every teeny-bopper invaded cyberspace and learned how to make webpages on AOL and Geocities, there's over 30,000! They put these pages in their place! They kick ass!

