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Graven Images Statues Of Baal

This is a picture of a statue of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Every year thousands of people come to worship this statue. Here we see kids, worshipping a statue of stone by kissing the hand. Many people put prayer candles in front of the statue of Mary. A graven statue image made of stone that has no eyes to see or hear.

Now we all know that Mary the mother of Jesus died and went to Heaven. At first they all knew that Mary was blessed among women for being chosen by the Heavenly Father In Heaven. But some where along the line, many start thinking Mary was Holy, without sin. Which we all know that just isn't true. The Bible says after the Birth of Jesus, Mary took a sin offering for her sins and brought it to the Priest to ask forgiveness of her sins. Then later on this Church, started teaching that Jesus was too angry to forgive your sins, so go plead with the statue of Mary and repeat over and over again repeating in vain repetitions. Which Jesus told us that DO NOT MAKE Vain repetitions of your prayers. Also the history behind the Rosary beads comes from an old pagan gods ritual, from Hindu gods in India

The Bible Says that Jesus told us in :

Matthew 6:7 " But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. "

1 Timothy 2:5 " For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. "

Only Jesus died on the cross to bare all of our sins, taking all of our sins upon himself. Only Jesus can forgive sin. There is no other name by which we can be saved. All through out history the Bible never said Jesus was too angry to forgive us. What Jesus did say in His Love open arms, come to me I love you, and I will wash you clean from your sins.


Here we see the Pope worshipping and bowing down to an graven image. Thus making this a stumbling block to the Children of Israel. This is what the Heavenly Father said not to do in the Ten Commandments. To worship a graven image made of stone.

All throughout The Bible Old Testament history every time a graven image idol statue is put up in their land. God lead his people into captivity or death. Many Christians do not know there are thousands of statues with hidden history that has been made from a person memory. And thousands of these statues have history of pagan goddess rites.

This is a wafer from the communion table that has the letters I H S on it. The people have been told that the IHS means "In His Service" to Jesus. This is not true, they have lied to you. If you would do your history on this symbol in the encyclopedia you will discover the IHS stands for three pagen gods. The "I" stands for Isis, the "H" stands for Horus, and the "S" stands for Seth. Three pagan gods with horror stories of pagen rites, behind each meaning. We strongly recommend that you do your encyclopedia research on Isis. You will find the IHS symbol there was first created deep in the history books. Some Scholars say that Theology created the IHS words after the first three letter of Jesus in Greek. But what they don't know, or tell you is that the "IHS" words was created by satan to the goddess ISIS family, long before Christ came to earth to die on the cross, and the word Theology was even created. Be not deceived. DO YOUR HOMEWORK !!

Jesus Warned The Churches in Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-28) To remove the abmonation of eatting things sacraficed to idols in the Churches. Now you know what He is talking about. There are many Christian Churches today that are still using the IHS wafer in their communion table to the Lord JESUS, unknowing that this wafer is to ISIS pagen god. Please lift up prayers for them to overcome and return to All Bible Truths.

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