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The Psychedelic Sunshine Home Page

Welcome to my reconstructed web page that I've promised to update for the longest time! Sorry it took sooooooooo long! Once again, this is a site for hippies (old and new) who just wanna visit some cool links or e-mail me (yeah right, as if any of you will!) Anyhow, I have changed some of my links but then again some have remained the same. I just recently discovered the virtual pet sites and I have a link to the adopt-a-dragon page, but if you want some other adopt-a-pet sites, I would be happy to give you their URL's. Just e-mail me for them because I can't list every site on this page. By the way, the pic of the dragon at the top of the page, comes from the adopt-a-dragon page. It's just there until I "take home" my own little dragon, which should be really soon. I also downloaded a picture from the original French Tintin site at the bottom. It is just a great site for adults and children. As always, if any of you old or new hippies have any info, interests, questions or even links you would like me to look at, don't hesitate to e-mail me. Remember, don't let your mouth get you into something your brain can't handle! Have fun, Alex @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Cool Links & Free Stuff

~An amazing 60's link you gotta see!!!
~The Oasis Page!!!
~The Jefferson Airplane Homepage!!!
~New York's famous Studio 54!!!
~A Saturday Night Fever Link!!!
~The original French version of Tintin (the cartoon)!!!
~Here's some Hot Tuna!!!
~A POPMART page that U2 can enjoy!!!
~An English version of Tintin!!!
~Get your free Hotmail address!!!
~Adopt a virtual Dragon for free!!!
