Dave's Corner

Dave’s HEAVY METAL reviews! (last updated 30/10/05)

People ask me why? Why are you just so kick arse Dave? I just say because I WANNA ROCK! (Twisted sister)

With the expansion of the Jason Lives website, I’ve decided to add some more interesting cool stuff, and why not include something that interests me a lot? Heavy Metal! With most of my drumming influence coming from metal, I thought why not add something that is about what makes Jason Lives kick arse. If you’re interested in metal you may enjoy this, if you don’t? Have a look anyway you may learn something, you may even expand in your music interests, to include metal.

OPETH – Ghost Reveries (10/10 or a million out of ten!)

Don’t you hate when something you love changes into something gob shite, Opeth refuse to this. Being their 8th album this band still can’t disappoint, this is a fantastic album with plenty of melody and dark epic riffs with kick arse metal growls and the song growing larger from start to finish. You can’t get much better than Opeth, being one of the most important metal bands in history breaking down the walls between metal, rock, classical rock, even funk. Opeth style of metal has become so diverse that they can write anything and it’ll sound great. With 10 minute plus songs it’s hard to write anything that stretches within that time limit but Opeth seem to pull it off once more. Absolute favourite band ever, and it should be yours. Nothing I mean nothing can beat it

ARCH ENEMY – Doomsday Machine (9\10)

Arch Enemy, another great band from Sweden, first time I’ve heard some of their stuff from their 2002 album wages of sin it blew me away, especially the first track it was absolutely bone numbing kick arse song. That album being so great I’ve not heard another album that even matches that one not even the latest album Doomsday Machine however this album is still a kick arse album at its own right. This album is everything you expect from a Swedish band however it still different from others and the Sweden bands have that quality of failing to disappoint every time. Arch Enemy are on the never ending journey to search for the perfect riff however a lot of bands write kick arse songs and some average ones with simpler riffs Arch Enemy tries not to do this however and they succeed with all thumbs up and face melting songs with complex riffs that seem like solos the whole song. With riffs seeming like solos the solos however are face-melting melters, unbelievable sounds with some of the best guitar solo work I’ve ever heard in metal. This band is amazing and I’m going be a witness of this fantastic band on the 4th of October at the Palace in St Kilda I’m soo excited. The only problem is that Arch Enemy rely and speed for kick arse riffs to come out sounding mad, for this album they slowed down some of their songs, the speed it a big park of who they are, anyways very cool album!


SOILWORK – Stabbing the Drama (9.5/10)

What can I say? Great band with kick arse music coming out of Sweden, and what I would say the capital of the world’s best metal. The Album is just plain and simply one of my favourites; it contains raw energy and power from start to finish with teeth grinding twists from heavy to melody. Soilwork have harnessed what makes a band stand out from a lot of bands, that is the variations in tempo which makes certain parts of songs grab you in a different ways to a lot of mainstream artists would, who mainly concentrate on chorus’ rather than the song in general which Soilwork have done. I would say the tracks that stand out the most are…well the whole album! But if I had to choose it would be Stabbing the Drama, Weapons of Vanity, Nerve and Blind Eye Halo, but don’t count on me, go buy the CD it will not disappoint. What are you waiting for? GET IT!


When you want craziness, heavy, insane metal, look no further than Strapping Young Lad. People who say well metal is just crazy noise with no musical talent, please people tell these people to go F*&% themselves, because people who say that have not even tried to listen metal or even understand it because their ear cannot pick up notes and beats…or their just stupid. Strapping young lad can be heavy while still being soft at times. What makes this album so good is the speed and the tightness they can provide, seeing these guys live I would not believe but fortunately it is true and I have adapted Gene Hoglan style of drumming into mine, as being a big fan of his playing. I really appreciate the talent that comes with this album and the shear precision that it provides; it is almost like there are no musician’s just machines because it is so precise. It is a must have for metal fans.

MESHUGGAH – Catch Thirtythree (9.5/10)

Another great band from Sweden and one that is no other. There is just something about Sweden and that just makes metal so unique, and it’s a bloody good thing. After this album I guarantee you will never see metal the same way again, you’ll appreciate it more, Meshuggah have never disappointed any true metal fan and this album sums up why. The power this album posses is unbelieve with incredible time changes and hard to catch riffs. With mainstream music it is easy to pick up the tempo and melodies Meshuggah have the opposite approach, it can be catchy to sum people but others will just think its noise. This album makes musician’s cream their pants, being so complex to write play or even listen to, Meshuggah is for super musicians but words cannot describe its complexity it is just a must listen to, to understand what I’m talking about. Shit I don’t even know what I’m talking about.

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