Okay, I finally started updating my website..... It will be some time before this is truly the great site it will become. If you have a web site, send me a link to it so I can share it with the world.

The dunk of the day:

The greatest dunker of all time, Clyde Drexler. I don't care what anyone says, he's the greatest dunker to ever lived.

If anyone even comes here anymore (which I doubt), you know I said I would change the page, and I haven't. I haven't had ANY time (with high school and all). I am working on a new page, but it will be a while (probably summer). Oh well. I know this page really sucks right now (as it always has). There will be a new page coming soon that's gonna kick some serious stuff, but it's still being designed... Just wait a bit more. My site will be done someday. Just not anyday soon. Anyway... Here you have it, the most pointless site on the internet... Here are some links. "Don't You Worry 'Bout a thing", just "Feel No Fret". I'll get some "Innervisions" for a new page some day.

Links from my site:

My Memories... See when I went crazy... (Well, if you really are bored enough to be reading that... you must be really bored.) This has actually become one of the more "popular" portions of my site. I wasn't going to add anything to it, but since quite a few(?) people have asked for more, I'll get started on it sooner or later, but probably later.

Random thoughts...Here's where you will find out what exactly is going through my mind.... What I'm thinking, and what I think about.

Here's what happened today...This is the place you will find out what exactly happened to me today. I'll try to update this daily.


Links elsewhere:

This is the web site of a friend of mine, Aaron. He hasn't updated it in a long time (the last time he did was before he got into all that porn crap.) It sucks a lot, but you can see sort of how wierd Aaron once was if you are really bored.

This is a web site of yet another friend of mine. The person who designed this web page isn't evil, just so you know. He thinks he is, but he isn't. I know he pretty much took down the site, but I'm leaving this link here just to piss him off.

Motown Records. I think that is one of the best sites on the internet, but if you have a slow connection like dial up, it will take a LONG time to load. Other then that, the design is really amazing, and it's Motown, which makes it even better.

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Search from my own site!