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They got the "F" out, we put the "F" back in!

Welcome to the site of the World Wrestling Figure Federation, better known as the WWFF! In this site, you'll find profiles of all the wrestlers that are active in the WWFF, as well as upcoming wrestlers to keep an eye on! I will be taking suggestions for matches and everything. I will keep up to date and record matches on here which you can look at. An ezboard forum will be posted up soon so you can talk about here. Enjoy!

Note: All pics are currently borrowed until I get my own pics.

Wrestler Profiles
Message Board

All figures are by Jakks Pacific™. All actual wrestlers are trademarked by the WWE™. Kurt Wagner figure was made by Toybiz™, and is a copyright of Marvel, I think? Eh, if you know who to give credit to, let me know. The Karate Fighters figures are made by Milton Bradley. I have no idea what figure Jack is, but he's made by somebody, at least. OK, hopefully no one brings up a legal issue, as I hope I did this right.

Sorry! This site is currently under contruction!