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RJ Goes to the NHL Draft

First I will apologize for the crappiness of this page. I don't have a any spare time on my hands, so I'm just trying to quickly share my experience with you all.

I want to thank the Bolland family for being such great hosts. I was extremely estatic when they allowed Paul and I to tag along with them. I met the Bolland family two years ago at a Mimico Lacrosse game. I have watched, updated, and even fed live broadcasts of Bolland and the Knights games over the internet to the family back home in Mimico. I also want to thank the fine people of Raliegh, NC. Please let us back into your state and city. We aren't all crazy just the one from Long Branch!!! LOL

Draft Table- Two Pictures to cover the entire floor.

David signing pre-Draft autographs

David and I the night before hanging out!

After David was drafted they take him down the floor to meet the Scouting Staff of the Chicago Black Hawks.