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Name: Stary Nights
Stuff: Poetry

Example 1
note from Stary: This is one of my best poems. I like it because it really represents relationships and how it hurts after their over.
Theres dust on the places where they use to hang out
New ones take the places they use to be
And now they're alone on two long winding paths
Journey to nowhere, Unkown Route
But darknedd does not cover, so they can see
Problems some, But none has wrath
coming through this tough bout
Focusing on life is the key
Wasing clean by takin baths
Getting through all the dought
Extravagent lives and Extravagent needs
Intracate math
Hiding pain and letting it mount
Slowly it fades and leaves
Using it as it hath
Questioning love and its amount
Keep wondering "is this person for me?"
Relentlessly working on a Hard-Barred Task

Example 2
This is my first wish poem in the triolgy, It's really cool and on the origanal paper it even has an anime like face on it. I LOVE my wish poems
Star Light, Star Bright, first star I see tonight
I Wish I may, I wish I might be granted the wish I wish tonight.
I wish I could leave, forget every thing that is around
I wish I could see what is not yet found.
I wish I could live like a worn out hound
I wish I could be silent and not make a sound
I wish I could have insight to see; A pitcher on the other mound
Yet, I can't.
The future holds twisted Fates
The fun has to be rated
The end must come soon
You have to relize the tune
Song of the world, I star to sound like a loon
A broken record now looking as dark as the moon
So now the end is here.
Nothing is ever mere

Example 3
This is the second wish poem. It leads into the third and final wish very well.
Star light, Star Bright, first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might be granted the wish I wish tonight
A hidden foe stalks me ever so close
I wish I knew who I fear the most
Grant me, oh stars, a look into the future time
I wish I could see what life would be like
I want to know the ending to my lifes book
I wish I could take just a slight look
Maybe I would see my pain coming out,
or a room of nothingness as I looked about
Please let be see what fate has planned
For I wish to know if this has been out flammed
While I try not to listen for more pain
Keep haning on, Days become mondain
An early weakness falls over me now
Pain filling my mind; another storm cloud
Stars shall grant me my second wish
Though the time has come, I can not finish

Example 4
This is the last of the wish poems. A sort of, if you will, Poem in a poem. The last paragraph is really neat.
Star Light, Star bright, first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might, be granted the last wish of my life
I wish I could hide the pain that I feel.
A stalker I now see as real
I wish I could be silent; no sound to make
Now, I only have my life to take
I wish I could see whats not yet found
Now I cry, not making a sound
I wish I didn't have to feel fates look
Because now I know the ending to my lifes book
I wish I could leave; forgetting all that binds
Now you must read between my lines
I wish the stars could tell
Stary Nights has now Fell

Into Darkness, out of light
All is dim that was bright
Stary Nights now makes the great fall
She has been hung, her tounge lolls
Eyes once bright and cheery
Now are sad and weary
I say your poem one last time; to hear it rich
For this is the finally; the Great Finish.
Star Light, Star bright, first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might, be granted the last wish of my life