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My Advice



Advice... Well, I say be brave and try new things. Don't be scared of the unknown! Often if you do new and different things, you actually learn something! Surprise, Surprise!! Live your life to the fullest and do everything you've ever wanted to do. In life, I've realized that often the things you regret the most are the things you haven't done. Don't regret the things that you have done, because if it was a mistake, hopefully you can learn from it. That's what mistakes are for!! And remember to be happy, and appreciate everything you have. I know I am so lucky and should appreciate everything I have, although sometimes I forget to. There are so many people in this world that aren't as fortunate. Make sure the people that you love know that you love them. It's really important that they know and that you tell them often, because they might forget!! ahh! So everyone if you love me, tell me. Just kidding, you don't have to. : ) And if something is wrong, try to fix it!! Live life and try not to worry about the consequences of it too much!!