
Aoi Usagi


Born on September 21, 1945.

On November 24, 1970,
at the age of 25,
he gave his life in Quang Tri Province,
South Vietnam.

Honored on the Vietnam Memorial
on Panel 6W, Row 79.



Name: Ian McIntosh
Rank/Branch: W1/US Army
Unit: Company A, 2nd Battalion, 17th Cavalry, 101st Airborne Division
Date of Birth: 21 September 1945 (Scotland)
Home City of Record: St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada
Date of Loss: 24 November 1970
Country of Loss: South Vietnam

Loss Coordinates: 162919N 1064756E (XD920237)
Status (in 1973): Killed/Body Not Recovered
Category: 4
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: OH6A
Refno: 1678

Source: Compiled from one or more of the following:
raw data from U.S.Government agency sources,
correspondence with POW/MIA families,
published sources, interviews.

Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK in 1998.
Other Personnel in Incident: (none missing)

REMARKS: SYNOPSIS: The OH6A Cayuse (commonly called "Loach") was the result of the U.S. Defense Department's vision of a single helicopter able to perform such duties as personnel or cargo transport, light ground attack, casualty evacuation, observation, and photographic reconnaissance.

It proved most effective at visual reconnaissance,however, searching out the enemy even in heavily defended areas, as the crew peered through gaps in the jungle canopy from the oval pod-shaped aircraft.

On November 24, 1970,
WO1 Ian McIntosh was an observer on an OH1A
helicopter (tail number 67-16484),
flown by Capt. Robert J. Young,
on an armed reconnaissance mission
with two Cobra gunships southeast of Khe Sanh.

The aircraft had been flying for approximately
an hour and 3 minutes
when the crew observed what appeared to be
a new NVA living area.
The Cobra gunships engaged the target,
and the OH6A subsequently
entered the target area to assess the damage.

The OH6A was hit by automatic rifle fire on the underside
in the left front area where WO1 McIntosh was sitting
(nearly the entire front from above head level to
below knee level was glass).

Capt. Young immediately left the target area, noticing that WO1 McIntosh
was in a great deal of pain and trying to straighten up.
At that time, the aircraft engine quit,
so the pilot attempted to land in an open area.
The aircraft burst into flames
before crashing in the vicinity.

Capt. Young believed WO McIntosh died
shortly after the crash.
The flames were starting to enter the cockpit,
so the pilot pulled himself out, and just as he got out,
the aircraft became engulfed in flames.

Three minutes later, the helicopter exploded
with WO1 McIntosh still inside.

Ian McIntosh was declared Killed, Body Not Recovered.

His name appears among the missing
because no body was found to return home for burial.
He is one of two Canadians on the U.S. military rolls
of missing, and one of many from that country
that willingly volunteered to fight
against the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.






Name: John Howard Reeves Branch/Rank: United States Marine Corps/E3 Unit: D CO 1 BN 1 MAR 1 MAR DIV Date of Birth: 28 October 1943 Home City of Record: CANADA Date of Loss: 23 December 1966 Country of Loss: South Vietnam Loss Coordinates: 155305 North 1081331 East Status (in 1973): Killed In Action/Body Not Recovered Category: 5 Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: GROUND Missions:------ Other Personnel in Incident:------ Refno:------

Compiled by P.O.W. NETWORK from one or more
of the following:
Raw data from U.S. Government agency sources,
Correspondence with POW/MIA families,
Published sources,
Interviews and CACCF =Combined Action
Combat Casualty File.
REMARKS: CACCF/DROWNED/SUFFOCATED/QUANG NAM Quang Nam 15 miles SW of Hui An. No further information available at this time.

The cases of many of the missing are not so easily closed.
Some were photographed as captives; some wrote letters home from POW camps.
Others were alive and well the last they were seen or heard from,
describing an advancing enemy. Still others simply disappeared.
Thousands of reports continue to mount that Americans are alive
in Southeast Asia, held prisoners, yet the U.S. seems unable
or unwilling to secure their freedom.
Men like Ian McIntosh freely gave all they had
for the price of freedom.>

Can we turn our backs on these men?


The North Wall is a memorial wall
honouring those brave Canadian men
who fought and were lost in Vietnam.






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