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Champion Acres

Disclamer: None of this is real(unfortunatly). It is all part of a wonderful SIM(Simulated;not real;fictional;PRETEND)Horse game.

Please excuse the mess, We are remodeling

You are driving up an old kentucky road and you see the lights from a sign . You pull over to read it and the sign says: Champion Acres Where Champions are born You drive up the drive way where beautiful foals are prancing behind there mothers who are being led into a big beautiful barn. You pull up, park, and come inside to find the owner, I greet u and give you the tour. You say you were looking to breed your TB mare and you ask about doing those things here at our barn. I happily agree and you make arrangments to have your horse picked up and transported asap ( the next day) Then you go home with a very content look on your face and cant wait to tell your family about the wonderful barn that you will be moving to tommorow.

Why you should choose us as your first choice in Training
