Box 125

532 Sandwich Street South

Amherstburg, Ontario   N9V 2Z3


Phone: (519)736-1369

Fax: (519)736-8310



                                 August 19, 2002


To: Sgt. J. Saxon


Re: 20 Year Exemplary Service Medal


On June 25th, 2002 copies of various correspondence were received regarding Sgt. Saxon’s request for the 20 Year Service Medal. There has been no grievance filed by either member to date, as neither member has received a denial regarding this request.

The Association reviewed this correspondence, Regulations governing the award of the Police Exemplary Service Medal and Part V of the Amherstburg Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to this Medal. Further, consultation was sought from both the Police Association of Ontario and other major Police Associations who recently attended the Annual Meeting held in Windsor, August 12 – 16th, 2002.

Accordingly, it is our recommendation that submissions be made by each member promoting your performance and exemplary conduct to Chief Marentette for his review and decision. If a member was not nominated for this medal, the Chief’s decision in accordance with Amherstburg Rules and Regulations shall include the reasons for such denial. At that time, our members may appeal the decision in writing or by personal presentation. We would recommend consultation with the Association for representation during any presentation.



Shawn McCurdy                                                                      Stephen Ross

President, A.P.A.                                                                     Vice-Pres. A.P.A

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