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~*~*!!!!!!!!AnGeL bAbY's PaGe!!!!!!!!!!!*~*~


HEY HEY HEY!!! Hey Everybody! wassssuuuuup? that's me and alisha in that on the right. were eating ice cream at dairy crazy kids. good times. good times. Yesterday was fun. I went to the lake with my friends, i got burnt that hurt! and i was wearing spf 45! whats up with that? Well,I moved to abbotsford to all of you who don't know. I loooove it here! BC is b-e-a-utiful!!!!!! We drove through whistler, and that was amazing! I loove the weather here, its gorgeous! be even better if i tanned, because we lots of sunshine! but ah well.. Anyways, this week has just been getting settled, and hanging out with friens i haven't seen in forever! i have tooons of laundry to do...I've already had a doctor and dentist appointment! my dads but soon, i have to look for a job, and my vacation will be over. :( I'm just enjoying it while i can! :) i looove it!! I applied at the airport! i think that would be sooo much fun! wish me luck!! So, I really want to work on a cruiseship! soooo bad! but you have to be 21! i just turned 20 though in june, but im willing to wait! i think it would be awesome! In the meantime, I would love to be a flight attendant! can you tell i have the travel bug? yyyeeeeep! I really want to travel, and meet new people, and learn things. ya know? I think it would be a great experience. So I've been applying, wish me luck!! :D Check out to check out the lastest with me. That's about it to you soon luvya ashley xoxoxoxxoxoxo HASH(0x8c5c1a0)
SWEET TEEN!!! Yes you are a teenager mmmm from 13
- 19 quite a little rebel haha just kidding...
You think as a teenager, you see everything
quite simple, soon you will realize it is not
that simple. In my opinion you look at things
in a very beautiful way. =)

. What is you inner age?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing. The current mood of at backgrounds by mevam Hey Jen!!!!! Thanks for teaching me about this stuff! I know we have our falling outs...but I still love ya and always will! ~ashley


HEy! this is a pic of me and my friends! lol!(in uh...cartoon style!) from left to right: sinthy, richelle, jen, sarb, and meee!!!! aren't we hot? lol This is jen in her pajama's! hehe! to those who are grieving for lost loved ones who died in the terrible accident on september 11..were praying for you...

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla As pure as a rose...
Yellow. You shine among your friends and are
usually the most outstanding person in the
group. You're one of the nicest person anyone
could ever meet and well, just keep up the good
image! =)

::Which rainbow colour are you?::
brought to you by Quizilla Hey everyone!!! I have a new fave singer!!!! oh my gosh! he's great!!! he has the most beautiful voice i've ever heard!!!!! please check him out! you won't be dissapointed!!!!!! go there and go down a ways, to where it says "low bandwidth" "high-bandwidth" and listen to the songs! "to where you are" is my favorite! it's a beautiful ok, i just had to tell you all! it's perfect...*sigh*

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~!$*JeN's PaGe*$!~
That's my life...
One of my fave sites! KIWIBOX!!!!!!!
My skin diary!
Know what i mean, jellybean??
get to know urself better as a gurl!
Gotta have a crazy sense of me!