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Alamo Metro 4-H Club


Welcome to the home page for the Alamo Metro 4-H Club. Take a look at What's New in our web.

Alamo Metro 4-H club meets at 4 pm on the 3rd Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted), August through May, at Wayside Chapel, 1705 NW Loop 410.

Officers 2003-2004

President:  Mary    
(chairs the meetings)

1st Vice President: Chris  
(chairs meetings when president is absent)

2nd Vice President:  Fran 
(organizes recreation/games at meetings)

3rd Vice President: Angela
(new members and membership forms)

Secretary: Autumn
(meeting minutes and correspondence)

Treasurer: Joel
(keeps the books and the checkbook)

County Council Delegate John
(represents the club)

County Council Delegate Alternate: Charlie
(represents the club if the County Council Delegate is absent)

Reporter: Victoria
(sends reports on our club to the newsletter)

What's New

Please check back often to see what's going on at our club!

Updated, 10-06-03

Updated, 09-23-03




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Last updated: September 10, 2003.
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