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linda.jpg (8317 bytes) "Toastmasters? What would I be without it?  Why I can walk in a room and take control, just with a few words, and the wink of an eye - all thanks to Toastmasters."  ~ Linda Sparks
"I joined the Tower Toastmasters Club because I wanted to develop my confidence and speaking abilities - potentially two of my most important professional assets.  However, the benefits of Toastmasters can be surprising.  At my daughter's wedding recently, I confidently gave a speech, and actually enjoyed it - thanks to Toastmasters!" ~ Peter Wilson peter.jpg (3735 bytes)
diane.jpg (5393 bytes) "I joined Toastmasters to change my image.  It worked for me and it will work for you."  ~Diane Craver
"Toastmasters has helped me keep in mind the essential elements of a presentation which are an opening, three points, and a conclusion.   Also, every speaker has the right to prepare an introduction of his or her choice, and to ask a trusted friend for an honest critique.  ~Hoy Stephenson hoy.jpg (7121 bytes)