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Kids and Photography

This is my camera..
Click on camera for Sony information.  

I am sure you have heard the following: "Put a camera in the hands of a child and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results."  And, if you are like me, your thoughts were "I would love to do that, but the expense !!!!"

Thanks to the age of technology, you can put that camera --a digital one-- in your children's hands and let them snap to their heart's content!  You can also use the camera to enhance your children's perception skills, communication skills, artistic creativeness, and many other levels of development.


What are the benefits of using a digital camera?

 there are no films to buy, no developing costs

  you can check the picture quality then-and-there, with certain cameras

  you can make multiple images quickly and again with little expense

  enlargements and editing are a click of a button away

  the pictures can readily be used in artwork, stories, science activities

  the use of a digital camera can bring excitement to a project


Why Digital?





How Can A Camera

Be Used In A Child's Education?

in the Arts?

in Academic Learning?

in Motor Skill Development?

in Social Skill Development?




So, you want to use a digital camera. but there is no money for an expensive camera.    Now what ?
Check out the internet; look into fundraising ideas, discount sales. 
Ask around. 
There might be a 'techno-geek' (no offense) out there willing to donate an older-model camera to your group.

Sample Searches:
"fundraising, school, Canada"

"digital cameras, trade, auction, cheap"





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copyright, 1999: Debbie Roswell