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I don't like beer, but Heine kicks ass.

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Welcome to the neurotic home of a Hooker




first off, i feel the need to explain the title.  see, thing is, most of my family is in The Netherlands, and so they are always giving me Heineken stuff.  all the paraphernalia seems to impress people for the most part.  seriously, you should see my room, everything is either Heineken or sheep (but that's another story in of itself).

"we wanted to get a fireplace. but it didn't work out."
- brandon boyd (incubus)

August 14/02
i'm outta here, see you in september!!!!

July 21/02
today i don't really have a voice.  i've had a cold growing since thursday, and it's finally took hold.  it's strange, while out dancing, laughing and having a good time i don't feel at all sick.  but as soon as i slow down and relax, i can't stop blowing my nose.  i think i've blown my nose more this weekend than i did in the entire month of june.  i'm really glad rachel came to visit, it's always so much fun when she's here.

July 20/02
rachel seems to think that i'm a bad influence on her, but i don't make her buy anything, i merely take her to the stores.  it was funny, i ran into someone i haven't seen in a while and was shocked to see here because she lives in ottawa.  then we ran into her again in another store.
no one will believe where rachel and i went in the evening after dinner, but it was fun.   after, we had to scoot right home and change and rush out the door as i wanted to take rachel to the phoenix.  i had hoped to show her one ex, but instead sort of saw another.  rather than seeing orange, i thought i saw jerkoff but when the guy claim closer it wasn't.  my really tall guy was there, which was nice.  rachel rather enjoyed the parlour as i thought she might.  as i had thought last week, there is no longer a small stage in the parlour.  apparently i'm cute, but people can't tell me that themselves and have to get their friends to do it.  rachel always gets some interesting lines.  it was too funny.

July 19/02
the zen lounge is way too loud, and filled with people that are a lot of fun to watch.  jenn would be pleased to know that there were people wearing earplugs, and they didn't look old.  there were people handing out big red, and at first neither rachel nor i thought anything of accepting candy from a stranger but then once i started chewing on piece i realized that it wasn't the brightest idea.   luckily the people were employed by big red.  at the subway, after the bar, there was a really drunk girl that was making a noise that is thoroughly undescribable and not a noise that a human being is capable of making.  we weren't sure if she was going to cry or her head was going to explode.

July 18/02
just felt like stating a really obvious fact: hospitals suck.

July 16/02
i can't believe i actually won something.   getting $100 in free roots stuff makes having gone to commencement somewhat worthwhile.

July 14/02
jenn is a bad influence on me at the used cd store.   i never would've looked for more, but she pointed out incubus cds i didn't have so i just had to get them.  i must say that those boys were quite talented even as teenagers.

July 13/02
earnest was quite amusing, though one line i rather liked from the trailers wasn't in the movie at all.  later, after being charged up by some coffee, jenn and i saw some orange which i didn't recognize at first because he's now blonde.  not as blonde as before, yet still not looking right.  there were some really fun breakdancing guys in the 80s room, they made me smile and i owe one of them as he caught me and kept me from falling after his buddy knocked my feet out from under me.   and one of them was exceptionally tall, oh how i enjoyed him.

July 7/02
there was a bit of excitement at work today, we had a fire.  not a fire drill, an actual fire (and no jason, i did not start it in order to meet some attractive young fireman, there was however a nice looking young truck driver).  oooh, and the government paid me, huzzah for the money. 

July 5/02
the sun looked really amazing this evening.  a bright circle of red, that you could actually stare at and not hurt your eyes.

July 2/02
jordan catalano has no bum.  well, he has a bum, it's just that he's really skinny so his bum is small and his pants seem to sag a bit.  though he's no longer too blonde.  my desire to see incubus again has been greatly increased after this evening.  there were three people that needed to be beaten, but jenn wouldn't let me.

June 27/02
it's amazing that in spite of being kinda depressed today (which was only exacerbated by a crappy day at work), an email about my law school registration cheered me up.  i'm going to law school.  i haven't quite fully understood all the implications, yet i can slowly feel it building.  it wont really hit me until i'm there, and classes have started.

June 26/02
tonight was, ummmm.........different, interesting.   but that's all i can really say about it, i've been sworn to secrecy.  though i don't think a night like this will ever happen again, at least not for me.

June 25/02
touch my nail!!!!!!!!  i don't know why i found that so funny, but i did.

June 19/02
why is mbna/mastercard stalking me?  why wont they leave me alone?
new our lady peace ain't bad.  i think it's kinda funny/neat that a few of the songs that made the cd were co-written by mike (obviously before he left the band).   there's one song in particular that i really like.

June 16/02
well, i'm finally home from work.  i made a slight detour, which was greatly needed and much fun.  it was nice to meet one of the actors from "queer as folk", who gave me a great big hug before i left (it's just a shame that he didn't follow through with the hot-tubbing).  everyone was so nice.  rachel's house was amazing and her cats were too cute.  i'm glad i've now got an open invitation to go there whenever i like as it's a good place to relax and recharge.

June 10/02
it's amazing how a not so good day at work can be erased by seeing a friendly face.  it's nice to catch up with people you haven't seen in awhile.

June 9/02
lots has been going on since the last update, i just haven't had the access to my computer, the time, the energy, or any combination thereof to update.  if you really want to know details about things, just ask.  i'll try to be more vigilant with the updates in the future.

large phone bill in the very near future:

yes, it's true, and i can hardly believe it.  i am done my schooling in ottawa, i have graduated university.  despite being back in toronto, i will still be calling long distance. thank goodness for bell's $20/month maximum, and the fact that my parents will be paying the phone bill (still, i'm sure i'll get in trouble for my phoning habits).


