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A Holiday Inn fades into view. It's the accomidations the CWF has booked for Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum show. Cars are constantly running in and out of the parking area of the Inn. People are rushing in and out of the doors. While bell boys run people's luggage back and forth to their cars.

Inside the Inn several of the CWF's finest are sitting in the well firnished lobby, Travis Smith, John Miller and Sebastian. They are dressed in fairly nice clothes and are preparing to go out to dinner. While they wait for their cab they talk, not about wrestling but about other things. Football, News, Celebrities and Dirty Jokes are a few of the topics. The wrestlers have lives. They don't spend their whole existence in the gym getting bigger. Some have families that they have to leave when they go on tour. They live outside the ring as well as inside.

At the back of the Holiday Inn there's a pool. Many of the other stars are here, either swimming or playing cards. Marcus Fury, Red Tank, The Suffering, M-Blood and Adam Azure have all donned their trunks and are lazily floating around the pool. Rueffio, Smack Daddy, Adam Azure and new comer Neptune are gathered around a poolside table playing Asshole. Rueffio has a rather disgusted look on his face as Neptune continues to win hand after hand and keeps being named President of each round.

Up in his forest green colored room, "Natural Wonder" Shane Jackson lays on his bed. Shane lays on the untucked blankets and sheets. He wears a pair of dark blue Doc Martins and black jeans. His hair has had a little gel run through it to keep it up. He has on no shirt.

He lays on the bed wearing a set of headphones. A Diskman sits next to him on the bed, spinning it's CD. Shane's arms are folded back behind his head and his eyes are closed. The TV isn't on and the air conditioning was turned off for the winter. The only noise comes from Shane's headphones. As the music coming from the headphones plays it gradually becomes louder until the song can be recognized. AC/DC, Walk all over You.

Shane begins thinking outloud.

Shane: The stable title is gone. No longer recognized by the ownership of the CWF. It was just tossed into a garbagecan and left to be collected on Monday morning. Why not donate it to a museum or auction it off? Or keep it? So many people disrespect the titles they wear. It's sick. I have possession of the Stable title, though it's of no importance now. The ICWA Title, MY ICWA Title, is viewed by the CWF in such low standing that it's disappointing. 113 has a chance to win it, but he won't. I'm not going to loose to someone who has no respect for MY Title. A piece of gold around your waist means nothing if you don't understrand what created it.

In the hall outside Shane's room several people can be heard walking past. The people in the hall are talking so loud that you could easily listen in on the conversation.

Shane: A Russian super soldier, bread to be a perfect weapon. He's genetically enhanced, probably given steroids when he was young to help stimulate muscle growth. He's a fierce opponent, but he has no mind of his own, he only knows how to follow orders. It's what he was programmed to do. That's where he is weakest. His mind.

A smile creeps across Shane's face.

Shane: I've got him. He's not getting MY Title. It stays with me another week. For seven more days the Cleveland Express keeps what he holds dear. A belt, that in all respects, should be above the CWF Title. The year of the "Natural Wonder" has begun. I'm going to open the CWF's eyes to my abilities.

Shane sits up on the bed.

Shane: It's my year and it's my time.

He pulls off the headphones and drops them on the bed. He steps out of view for a minute. When he comes back he's wearing a pair of swimming trunks and carrying a towel. It only takes a second for him to pass across the screen as he leaves the room and heads downstairs for the pool. In his room the camera continues looking at the bed and CD player. Slowly the picture starts fading to black. Just before the room fades completely out the song on the CD player ends. The screen goes black and the last words of the song are heard.

"I'm gonna walk all over you"