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This is the craft page.  I mainly paint ceramics. Most of
what I paint are angels and faeries. Unfortunately, the
pictures I do have of these are very blurry. So here are the
pictures that have turned out, of some of the other things
I've done.

This first one is probably the most difficult task I took on.
I decided to sew a quilt for my Mom. Something which I have
never done before.  I had to lay it all out on my kitchen floor
and make up the pattern. Jen loaned me her portable sewing
machine. I don't have space for an ironing board in my apartment, so I had to use a small tabletop one on the kitchen floor.  See the pictures below.
Ironing out the seams                   Sewing on the coffee table          The finished product

These next pictures are of a topiary tree I did for Keri. My mom
had taught me how to do cloth wreaths. You cut small squares out
of the material you want to use. (with pinking sheers).  Get a
Styrofoam ball or wreath, and push the cloth squares in with a
screw driver.  The hardest part is cutting all the squares. Once
that's done, the rest is very easy. I had done wreaths for a few
friends, but I wanted to come up with something different. The
pictures below are what I came up with. The pictures aren't the
best, but I was really happy with how the tree turned out. If I
ever get more living space, I'm going to make one for myself.


This last one is a candle holder that my Mom and I painted together. I had bought it at a garage sale. It's supposed to be a lamp. We painted it up for Dave for his Birthday. Again, the picture might not show you much at all.

That's all the pictures I have right now. I'm going to be adding
more later.  If anybody has anything they've done that they want
to add to this page, just email me and attach the picture.