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Welcome To My Home Page

Hi. I'm Lilypad and thanks for dropping by. This page was created with the help of Angelfire and my friends.
Jokes will be updated periodically, as I get them.
Some are lengthy, but quite funny...Enjoy!

Photos of My Travels in Europe

Holland 1998

England 1999

France 1999

Spain 1999

Germany 1999

Previous destinations to follow:
Venice, Florence, Rome, Capri, Amalfi Coast, Sorrento, Orvieto 1995…Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan 1987 & 1989…
New York, Florida, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Memphis 1981 - 1986…Cancun, St. Martins, Margarita Island 1985…


# 1 Just for Laughs

# 2 ....More Laughs

# 3 ....More

# 4 ....And Much More

All My Friends


Double-click the images to enlarge them and click once to make them thumbnail size again.




Herbie, Huey
& Duey



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