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SUP LADIES!!! haha.. i`m cracking up just reading my subject header. so ladies, i ran into maggie last nite (wednesday) and she mentioned the divas are getting together.. so what the dilly yo?... i hear we`re all working late or summin` summin`... so yeah... hersh said bubbles, sound good.. and really, anything is fione w/me... BRING IT ON! AND FRANCES ARE YOU GONNA COME THIS TIME???????.... done! call the store, i think maria is there till close, and maggs is closing too! ria, try to make it if ya can... k.. me outs!

GapKid`s BACKROOM "CRUSTIFIED" - D_VAS (maggs where are you???)

for more pics of us looking CRUSTIFIED in th backroom click on the icon below and it`ll take ya there =)

So When Are We Gonna Hook It Up!

Wassup D_VAS, just wondering when the next function is. Sucks that not all of you can come to the gala, we were supposed to make our entrance. Frances, you`re my date! Anyway, I hope all of you can come to the RPM reunion, and watch me and Chenelle strut our stuff! Hersh, are you gonna be a dresser again? Maria, oh pooh, just when it`s all good something weird just has to happen. Mel thanks for telling me some truths about life, what loooooooooosers they all are! hahahahaha!



what happened last nite?.. WHAT THE DILLY YO?.. you ladies left my *SS hanging... ria ria ria... and you too hersh.. that`s alright... i trust that all will be well on the 23rd.. so until then... HOW WAS THE GALA MAN?.. did you do the entrance?.. come now.. tell ALL! melis is waiting... =) caio bella! PS. what the F*CK is wrong w/this html sh*t....

GALA NITE - john & D_VAS - ria hersh frances

for more pics of the GALA click on the icon below and it`ll take ya there =)


I had a f`n amazing time tonight!

Thu, Dec 30, 1999 @ 01:51am
Hey ladies, i don`t know about you, but I had an amazing time tonight. i Love you guys... Hershey...Sorry, but Melissa and I had to ask the bartenders to cut you off, just cuz you were driving. Ria.. . are you hopelessly devoted to us? Melissa, the food was the sh*t. Mags...Tequila time next time, WE PROMISE!!!! Chenelle...one more shot! Maria...the shirts were the f`n best. We all wanted to do it but we didn`t know where to go. Thanks for EMceeing the night. I really love you guys. Divas forever!
Love meeh always,

D_VAS CHRISTMAS BASH - maggs frances chucks melis hersh

D_VAS CHRISTMAS BASH - "Tequila Time!" hersh frances maria nick richelle

for more pics of the D_VAS CHRISTMAS BASH click on the icon below and it`ll take ya there =)


Wussup Ladies!

It`s about time I got into this f*#@ing shaet! It seems like I`m the only one that hasn`t touched down yet. So when oh when are the pics coming up on here? You know the world needs to see sum fine as!up on here. Just kidding...maybe Frances` and Ria`s and Hershey`s and Melissa`s and Maggie`s and Chenelle`s...waits a minutes...that`s everyone. Um, I dunno how many of you are aware but as of Sun Feb 13, I ain`t workin at GapKids ne more. I handed in my resignation yesterday. I gots to handle school and I juss cant take the shaet there anymore. NEWays, no sadness...cause "JUST BECAUSE WE DON`T SEE EACH OTHER DOESN`T MEAN LOVE HAS TO END FOR PEOPLE LOVE GOD ALL THEIR LIVES AND BUT THEY AIN`T NEVA SEEN THE BROTHA, RIGHT?"
I figure it`s another reason for us to party. Whatdya say ladies? One more round as GAPKIDS dvas? i guess i can`t beee part of the crew no more man. Juss kidding. Everybody who knows knows our friendships have transcended GAP.
So here`s to my old job, the blessing in disguise that brought me all of you...I started at 685. left with so much more.
ps. B-please Chucky.What was that?YEFACE!!!

D_VAS CHRISTMAS BASH - maria danny maria: we miss you lots!!! AND WE LOVE YOU!!!


haha!... did we rip it up last nite or what girls?... sweet! i loved our little dance... "let`s hear it for the boys!" i loved it! and yo! where were the other ladies at?? MARIA, MAGGS, HERSH, AND CHENELLE! where were you!!! you`re always missed! so... to rectify this little D_VA withdrawl... NEXT FRIDAY THE 10TH! your asses are there! NO EXCUSES! oh yeah.. don`t forget chucks, our boy! we`ll kick it! and hype up that joint!
and ofcourse... wanna congrats our sweetee, jacque on her baby gal - mack - mack - mackenzie! as of 5:30 this morn....
until friday.... MADD LOVE! oh... and please... NO DRAMA, THAT`S ALL i ASK!

Hey, hey...HERSH in da house!!

Sup ladies!!! How are my divas doin`??? Sorry I`ve been missing in action lately...got my wisdom teeth out on the 10th! Looked like a frickin` chipmunk all weekend...I woulda looked hot at NV though had I gone...haha! Now I`m back in this stinkin` office! What`s everyone been up to?? Ria man, I see Melis more than you! What`s up with that!?! Maria..we miss you lots! Strippin dem boys and girls ain`t the same w/o you! I miss you all actually! Let`s hook it up again sometime! Hey...the U of T Flip Associations are having a thang at life on the 24th..Frances I`m sure you heard about it...wanna make a DIVA entrance?!?! Anyways, gotta do some work now! Gimme a ring guys!

Hersh - March 14

HERSH`S BIRTHDAY - hersh frances


AAAAAAyiaaah!! Suddenly You Remember!! AAAAAAyiaaah!! Dancing in September!!

Sun, April 9, 2000
Woooooohaaaaaaaa!!! I had sooo much fun last night...but why is it that we can never get the group together.. Listen up ALL, we gotta hookup for sure after exams. No excuses... So Hersh? where were you last night?? Maggie?, Chenelle?, Maria? What`s up with that? Can`t wait till the GRADE 9 party...This is me in gr.9 baby...this is me in gr. 9 hahahaha
Much Love to All


Wed April 12, 2000
So...girls! Say my name! If ya still remember it. um, I just had a question bout this gr. 9 parteee...what does dress like niners mean? Honestly, some of my clothes now are from grade nine so WHAT"S UP WITH THAT?!!!!!????
Thank you for displaying my horrendous face all over the web Melis! I`m gonna kill you!
Love you guys...After exams y`all better get ready `cause I`m jumping you guys. MARIA RIA BO BIA BANANA FANA FO FIA FEE FI MO MIA MARIA!
What the hell? I dont even know how to do that. Can anyone say LOOOOSER! Y`all should check out mah page. It`s tight! On da real. bye. love ya. see ya.bye.


Thurs April 20, 2000
hey ladies! "How you doin`?" what`s going on! I cannot wait till these STUPID EXAMS are over so I can chill with "MAH GIRLZ!" I`ve got cabin fever how `bout you? Gotta get our GROOVE ON soon...really soon. Melis, Mags, Bon-Bon, "Maria Maria", Ria `aaaiiiyyaah", bella and everyone else who wants to come! Everyone`s invited! I love you all. Just remember the week of May 4th, 5th, and 6th. YOU KNOW WE`RE ALL GONNA BE MASHED RIGHT! The 4th we`re all going to Paparazzi (is that how you spell it...RIA), the 5th is BIG BOP, and the 6th is VELVET for our jammy-jam! Can`t wait. I`m trying to hook us up with a hotel room for us...so don`t plan on working the day after `k`? OTAY! Til then....ta ta

Seems like I forgot to mention that that weekend is our "SKETTAL" weekend right. So bust out those red boots MELIS, that cleavage revealing shirt HERSH, those tube tops RIA, short, SHORT skirts MARIA, something that shows more than your back MAGS, and I guess I`ll wear a SKIRT for once! Yes, I know a skirt (guys, I`m actually going to wear a skirt and show some...LEG!!!) Just remember, we`re going to dress to impress...OURSELVES of course. NO-BUDDY else...you girls are all mine, mine, MINE that night. I don`t care! Okay I think that`s all for now. If you don`t have anything to wear, we`ll raid ria`s closet or I`ll go out and buy some fabric for some CRAZEE sequined tops! (i`m SO NOT joking!) gotta be the center of attraction right! MAHAL KITA GIRLS!


Sun, May 7, 2000 @ 05:14am
Hey ladies, WAAAAAAAAAZAAAAAP!! All I have to say is WE DID IT! D_VAS party weekend was amazing. Maria, I have to say that you looked sooooo sexxy gal... Good show 360(D_VOS). We got to give it to Melis who for once in her life finally got drunk, although she claims to not have been... Open your damn eyes gyal!! Ces: "dang girl that outfit was tight... hey wasn`t that for kids, hee-hee. Maggs and her daring backless. Thanks Hershey Bershey for waiting up for me... Luv ya all!! We can`t forget the RACEMODE crew or should i say MO-DAYVAS!!


Sun May 7, 2000 @ 9:30pm
YO LADIES.. I LOVE YOU GUYS... you guys are the f*cken BEST! hear that??? THE BEST!
first up, wanna say maria.. THANK YOU FOR FRIDAY.. danny was the best.. we know it`s hard hun, organizing and all.. and we wanna say you did a good job. *clap clap clap* or rather *pat pat pat* haha =)
and SECONDLY... wanna say THANK YOU GIRLS FOR COMING TO THE NINER JAM!!!!! was it the sh*t? or the SH*T! you guys are the best.. my GK hommies.. LINED THE WALLS! i loved it. ces and i wanna thank you guys for coming.. giving us support and spreading the love. you D_VAS are the best.. and the D_VOS too... and ofcourse... THE MODE or what?.. the "R-SQUAD?" uh... i like THE MODE betta.
THIRDLY... THANK YOU CES FOR PUTTING UP W/ME!!!!!! i love ya gyal.. "i got you" and you do... you totally had my back yesterday man, even in my LICKED state... you witnessed the first time.. damn. madd love girl. and ya know, since i`ve been a "B*TCH" and all lately.. wanna say... i`m sorry.. but THANK YOU!.. we did it.
and FOURTH.. are ya ready??? ces and i were`t THAT intoxicated (atleast ces wasn`t) HENCE... we know who didn`t go *cough-roy-cough* and i gotta say is *cough-roy-cough* BE WAREY!

on that note, i`m outs