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ENGL 3116 On-line Self Study Exercises

Weeks 13 & 14

Grammar Focus - adverbials of purpose and reason, clauses with when and if
Vocabulary Focus - cities and places, tourism, customs, advice
Language Functions - describing cities and places, talking about customs and cultures, giving advice
** PET Exam Preparation **  

Grammar Exercises

 Adverb Phrases Exercise 1 (OK)
Adverb Phrases Exercise 2 (OK)
Jerry and Ken Make Travel Plans: Prepositions of Time (OK)
Adverbs Exercise 1 OK)
Adverbs Exercise 2 (OK)


Reading Exercises

 Educational Tours - Western Europe Tour (Days 1 to 5) (5 sets of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
Educational Tours - Western Europe (Days 6 to 11) (3 sets of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
Educational Tours - Western Europe (Days 12 to 15) (5 sets of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
Educational Tours - Western Europe (Day 16 and 17) (2 sets of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
Educational Tours - Western Europe (Day 18) (1 set of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
Educational Tours - Western Europe (Day 19 to 22) (3 sets of self study comprehension questions) (OK)
At the Bus Depot (OK)


 Assigned in class.


Useful Expressions: At a Hotel (OK)
Questions: Clearing Customs (OK)

Listening Exercises

Welcome to Sky Airlines (OK)
Time for a Vacation (OK)
Airport Announcement (OK)
Flight Announcement (OK)
Peter's Day non-interactive (OK)

Vocabulary Exercises

Airport Vocabulary (OK)
Currencies (OK)

 Grammar Tutorial(s)

 Adverb Phrases (OK)
Adverbs (OK)



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