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This is not an official Nick Harper site but I hope you like it all the same. There will be more news about him and photo's and a better design to his page. Keep in touch.

Nick and I Mr Smiths 2002 :D
ick Harper... Gee what an eye opener, son of Roy Harper born in London 1965 and what a Star. Harper was influenced at a young age by his musical dad and the drummers Keith Moon and John Bonham, Nick however, not being able to get any drums, picked up a guitar and to this day is still playing, (and playing well).
Nick was already a veteran of Marlborough area punk/New wave by the time of his A-levels, With all this going on and being an assistant manager at Oddbins where Nick took a fancy to drinking wine more than selling it he realised his calling or destiny which was to be a musician.

Nick Harper Mr smiths 2002
By 1985 16 years ago Nick made his first recording debut with his father Roy on Roy's 'What ever happened to Jugula?' Nick had already helped his Dad at gigs and now they became a part-time team.
Nick and Roy still play together but Nick has been working on his own material and now has 4 fab albums 'Light at the end of the kennel', 'Seed', 'Smithereens', instrumental and 'Harperspace'
Nick had his first solo gig in Heineken Big Top Music Festival.

Nick Mr Smiths 2002

In 1994 Nick was coming off the road after Roy's end of year dates. He was then in the recording studios to work on his second and just as amazing Album 'SEED' with excellent reviews and more gigs in and around London. In 1995 Nick had a small but sold out gig in Christchurch in the pub called the George. This gig was organised by Elizabeth Tomkins (my mum) We enjoyed putting this gig together so much and being such big fans of Nick and his Dad we did another one. This time we brought Nick closer to home, well closer to our home in Bournemouth 'Mr Smith's' this gig took place on the 8th May and was brilliant. I was at the back but had a great view and I loved his Eric Idle song about the Planets.
'Devastating discipline, originality and power' MOJO
'Rousing and inspired' THE GUARDIAN
'Astounding acoustic finesse' TOTAL GUITAR
'Powerful and unconventional' THE SCOTSMAN.

Mr Smith's was amazing and this tour Nick was invited to do a one off guest spot with Glenn Tilbrook's (Squeeze) solo tour. Glenn was so impressed he asked Nick to join Squeeze around the Uk on their 'Unplugged' tour. Nick did join Squeeze and from personal viewing was a show not to miss. Nick was very kind and sent 3 free tickets to my Mum to see Nick at the BIC in Bournemouth to see him and Squeeze play and then we had back stage tickets to see him after. The show was amazing and the place was packed. The show was so fantastic we kept cheering for more and we could have stayed there all night listening to the talent. Glenn was very wise to invite Nick on the team he really gave us entertainment and humour.

After he had finished with Squeeze he went to Canada culminating in an appearance in Toronto's Ultrasound venue as part of the North East Festival. Nick had a bad throat at this time but he struggled the gigs but no one would have known as he played and sang well.

Nicks reviews from Canada were amazing.

Holy shit!
Hello all this is the first report of Nicks Tuesday gig at Amigos in Hamilton, Canada.
First off, I just read Ian's report and am now REALLY sorry I missed them. But tonight's show was excellent.
For the first while I was getting worried that Nick was not actually playing, as the bar never actually said he was (long story). But I met up with Ian, his wife, and Mark, and waited for Nick and Darren to arrive.
When they did, I was absolutely stunned. This being the first time I had heard any of Nick's material, I can't tell you the songs he played, but wow, all that Ian said about Sunday's shows was true, intense, stunning, ATTACKing. It was something that you cannot imagine, you can only experience it.
Nick said his voice was sore, but I was easily fooled into thinking he was top notch. He played (what we can describe) a song about travelling across Canada and looking at his reflection in the window, a song about himself at the time it was written. He played a humorous bit about jet lag, I can't really explain it but it was accurate portrayed and experienced of jet lag. And!! he played, as the closer,!! Twisted! This song is great, really glad he played it, after what I heard about it on stormcock. That is about all I can say about the actual material played.

Mark later comments on how Nick plays. 'Nick showed us great skill by achieving different sounds through the twisting of his guitar pegs, very nice, and very impressive'.
Mark Vanderboom

Nick had signed this Cd cover and gave this Cd to me at Christchurch the first gig we had organised for him. He has written To Holly evergreen ever beautiful! Love Nick aww bless Cheers Nick

This is his Album which he wrote while with Squeeze

This is my first festival I think when Nick was working with his dad alot at gigs.*SMILE*