CoyoteMoonFangs (7:03:16 PM): Annoncer man: Welcome fans to the first battle of the second round! Let's introduce our opponents CoyoteMoonFangs (7:05:52 PM): *the gate in front of you opens* Let's give a warm welcome to our very first winner, the feisty fireball, Sanuye of the Emerald Serpant! Fluteotter (7:06:39 PM): Sanuye, solid and visible, bounds to the center of the ring and looks up and around at the audience. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:06:52 PM): *crowd roars* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:10:19 PM): *the gate across from you opens* And coming in again is that dangerous one from the second fight, winner in one minute Sir Conroy! Fluteotter (7:10:46 PM): (Remind me... is he the one who...?) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:12:40 PM): *a man with light brown shoulder-length hair with shiny clothes and holding a mace comes in* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:12:50 PM): (he hasn't been introduced yet) Fluteotter (7:13:34 PM): Sanuye raises an eyebrow. "Interesting...." CoyoteMoonFangs (7:14:41 PM): *he has a mustache that runs long on either side of his face like a couple of whiskers, too* CoyoteMoonFangs (7:15:25 PM): *he won against Sir Oscar, another non-introduced character last round* Fluteotter (7:15:33 PM): (Ah.) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:16:53 PM): *Conroy looks at you up and down with a focused expression* Fluteotter (7:17:15 PM): Sanuye sits on her haunches, grins at him, and waves. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:19:02 PM): Conroy- you might want to surrender now to save yourself from hurt. Fluteotter (7:19:25 PM): Sanuye laughs. "Excuse me?" CoyoteMoonFangs (7:20:17 PM): Conroy- My last opponent has a fracured fiblia and many cracked ribs Fluteotter (7:20:30 PM): Your last opponent wasn't me, either. Fluteotter (7:21:02 PM): Inner Sanuye: Note to self, dematerialize FAST.... have I ever figured out if I can heal? CoyoteMoonFangs (7:22:59 PM): Conroy: *laughs* True enough. My honor has me ask a lady to back out before I hurt her, though. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:23:39 PM): (ghosts need to heal? you probably only need to worry about using too much energy)\ Fluteotter (7:23:48 PM): (If she's solid when he hits...) Fluteotter (7:24:11 PM): Sanuye laughs. "As my Captain used to say, I, sir, am no lady." CoyoteMoonFangs (7:24:55 PM): AMan- Alrighty then! try not to kill each other! Fluteotter (7:25:27 PM): Sanuye snickers under her breath. "Will do! Let's do this!" CoyoteMoonFangs (7:27:12 PM): *Conroy swings his mace chain around quickly in circle above his head, and stands still otherwise CoyoteMoonFangs (7:27:13 PM): * CoyoteMoonFangs (7:27:54 PM): (brb) Fluteotter (7:27:59 PM): Sanuye looks up at him and yawns. "They're pretty circles. How nice." (kk) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:30:56 PM): (back) CoyoteMoonFangs (7:33:02 PM): Conroy- Thank you. I've practiced enough to make each circle complete retain the exact same circumference and speed every time. Fluteotter (7:33:25 PM): You, m'friend, must have an awful lot of time on your hands. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:35:22 PM): Conroy- in big familes with lots of servants, work needed gets done really fast. Fluteotter (7:35:46 PM): Oh, one of those... CoyoteMoonFangs (7:37:17 PM): All my free time is best spent for the bettering of my country, though. Fluteotter (7:37:50 PM): Sanuye shrugs. Fluteotter (7:39:18 PM): (I gotta go. Dinner.) Fluteotter went away at 7:39:27 PM. CoyoteMoonFangs (7:40:03 PM): (kk) Auto Response from Fluteotter (7:40:05 PM): Saving an endangered species: the family dinner. Back later! Fluteotter returned at 8:12:38 PM. Fluteotter (8:12:50 PM): back CoyoteMoonFangs (8:14:32 PM): (wb!) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:14:43 PM): (have a nice dinner?) Fluteotter (8:15:01 PM): (yeah. Good pilaf.) Fluteotter (8:15:08 PM): (too much corn, though.) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:15:10 PM): Conroy: While we're both waiting for one of us to make an offensive move, why don't you answer a question. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:15:17 PM): (ah well) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:17:16 PM): what question would you ask the Oracle? Fluteotter (8:17:59 PM): Sanuye shrugs. "Depends on if she felt like answering. You?" CoyoteMoonFangs (8:19:40 PM): Whatever my lord wants me to ask. Fluteotter (8:20:01 PM): Obviously not much of a fan of free will, are we? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:22:05 PM): Conroy: *laughs* First comes the needs of my country before myself. My lord represents our people. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:22:18 PM): Are you not a fan of loyalty? Fluteotter (8:24:26 PM): That would be an understatement, m'friend. Even death couldn't break mine. Fluteotter (8:26:46 PM): She lunges forward as his next swing reaches the closest point to her, so that one moment the mace is in her path, and the next she is where the mace was, and leaps for his throat. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:30:10 PM): *he catches the chain almost immediantly with his spare hand and blocks your attack so you eat a mouthful of steel* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:30:19 PM): (the chain) Fluteotter (8:30:32 PM): (Do I have time to react to his block?) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:30:53 PM): (yes) Fluteotter (8:31:58 PM): Sanuye sees the chain coming up at her and decorporealizes for a moment, phasing through it, returning to solidity just beyond his hand, kicking off of it with her clawed feet, and continuing her attack. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:34:03 PM): *now you have a mouthful of scales and Conroy launches himself backwards, circuling the mace in front of him now* Fluteotter (8:34:25 PM): (Waitaminute, scales?) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:34:55 PM): (I know, I mean, he looks human) Fluteotter (8:35:13 PM): (Another soak-monkey? Gaaaaah...) Fluteotter (8:35:29 PM): Well. That was amusing. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:36:57 PM): *he tosses the mace spiraling at you, leaving his hands bare* Fluteotter (8:39:48 PM): She leaps to one side, then runs up the chain at him; if not hampered, she's going to reach the top, springboard off his hand, hit his face claws-first, then push off hard from there and leap onto the top of his head. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:41:50 PM): *after you dodge the mace he's out of sight* Fluteotter (8:42:39 PM): ????????? Fluteotter (8:43:23 PM): She immediately decorporealizes and leaps straight up... CoyoteMoonFangs (8:43:59 PM): *you fly straight through him as he lands on the ground* Fluteotter (8:43:59 PM): ....prolonging the peak of her jump with the ability to fly so that she can twist in the air and see what's below her. Fluteotter (8:44:36 PM): Inner Sanuye: ....what the heck IS this guy? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:46:22 PM): *you notice in the sky receding silver wings fading into his back as he's looking up in your direction* Fluteotter (8:48:05 PM): ...and she lets herself drop, as if she'd just hit the apex of a normal jump. "DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!" she yells, incorporeal until the last second and angling down for a nice ferrety face-clinch. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:50:58 PM): *Conroy throws the spiked ball over that last second too, protecting himself and hitting you* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:51:16 PM): (spiked ball of the mace) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:51:32 PM): (over his head) CoyoteMoonFangs (8:52:02 PM): *you're both pushed back due to impact* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:52:45 PM): (he falls down, you go flying in other words) Fluteotter (8:53:02 PM): Sanuye turns the back-push into another leap and lands with a twist a few yards away. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:53:39 PM): *Conroy sits up and laughs* CoyoteMoonFangs (8:54:24 PM): *he uses a swing of his mace to pull himself on his feet* Fluteotter (8:54:52 PM): Something amusing? CoyoteMoonFangs (8:56:54 PM): always amusing to learn something new. Fluteotter (8:57:32 PM): I'm glad I can expand your horizons, then. CoyoteMoonFangs (8:59:01 PM): Hmm... CoyoteMoonFangs (8:59:50 PM): perhaps there's something you want that I can get for you? Fluteotter (9:00:46 PM): Excuse me? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:01:40 PM): A wish of sorts. My family's powerful and rich. Fluteotter (9:01:49 PM): Means nothin' to me. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:02:30 PM): Is there no treasure you seek? No information you desire? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:03:02 PM): *smiles* Certainly may be worth more than what the Oracle can give you. Fluteotter (9:06:22 PM): But is it worth more'n what I might be able to do for her? CoyoteMoonFangs (9:10:40 PM): I admire your sticking to your feelings. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:11:02 PM): but, still doesn't mean I won't go easy on you. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:12:34 PM): *silver bat-like wings grow out of his back spreading 20ft across, he leaps into the sky* Fluteotter (9:13:18 PM): Sanuye leaps after him. "Y'know, the double-negative means you just said you would!" CoyoteMoonFangs (9:15:00 PM): Sometimes I don't mean what I say. *he swings the mace at you* Fluteotter (9:15:20 PM): Sanuye blinks out and lets it go through her. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:16:32 PM): *he circles around and tries to hit again* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:16:51 PM): (circles the mace) Fluteotter (9:17:10 PM): She lets it go through her again. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:17:51 PM): *circles again* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:18:32 PM): *has it set up in a constant circling pattern* Fluteotter (9:18:44 PM): (How long per circle?) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:19:04 PM): (10 second) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:19:15 PM): (*seconds) Fluteotter (9:21:26 PM): The next time, after she lets the mace go through her, she shoots forward, still incorporeal, claws out, as if she were on the attack---only this time, she lets him block, goes right through him, comes out on the other side, and THEN tries to take a chunk out of him. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:23:39 PM): *you manage a small bite of one of his leathery wings before he sails higher in the sky* Fluteotter (9:24:53 PM): "...why does EVERY DRAGON IN THIS STINKING TOURNAMENT end up fighting ME?!" Sanuye growls, then fades out and shoots up after him. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:26:18 PM): Conroy- Oh, so you think I'm a dragon? *laughs and flies higher* Fluteotter (9:27:00 PM): "Close enough." *zips upward after him* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:27:23 PM): *flies higher* Fluteotter (9:28:00 PM): This is ridiculous. *hovers where she is* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:29:07 PM): *suddenly dives really fast towards the ground* Fluteotter (9:29:48 PM): *fades out and lets him dive through her* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:30:08 PM): *continues diving towards the ground* Fluteotter (9:30:28 PM): *holds position, but watches him* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:35:12 PM): *lands and shifts almost insantly into a large silver dragon* You were right. *blasts ice breath into the sky at SAN* Fluteotter (9:36:46 PM): Sanuye snorts and dodges, just in case this stuff can actually cause an incorporeal creature problems. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:39:11 PM): *flaps his wings and sends a huge gust of wings into the sky* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:39:16 PM): *wind Fluteotter (9:40:24 PM): "All right, all right, it's quite obvious you're bigger than me. But could you fight me if you were my size?" Sanuye asks, spinning out of the way of the gust. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:43:26 PM): An interesting question. Let's see. *shrinks to the size of a ferret* Fluteotter (9:43:37 PM): (....brain... huuurts....) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:44:04 PM): (hee) Fluteotter (9:44:20 PM): (note to self--never EVER get into a fight like this when someone's playing a confusing video game in the same room.) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:44:35 PM): (lol) Fluteotter (9:46:19 PM): Sanuye sighs and rolls her eyes, then takes another dive at him. Fluteotter (9:46:33 PM): (Obviously I am missing something here...) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:48:21 PM): *slashes at SAN with claws as she dives at him* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:48:33 PM): (what are you confuesed about?) Fluteotter (9:50:43 PM): *dodges the claws* (If this is a puzzle, the clues are going waaaaaay over my head.) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:52:00 PM): (Conroy's just a dragon that's really good at shapeshifting) Fluteotter (9:53:15 PM): (....I've tried all the obvious tactics, and apparently I can't think today.) Sanuye steps back and waits for him to do something. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:53:59 PM): *tries to grab SAN* Fluteotter (9:54:25 PM): *dodges through him and counterattacks with teeth to the back of the neck* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:54:37 PM): *quickly lashes out at her with his tail* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:55:15 PM): (smaller= less distance between tail and neck) Fluteotter (9:55:56 PM): (.....attempts to dodge THAT, too.) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:57:10 PM): *you dodge successfully and slips out of reach* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:57:19 PM): *he slips out of reach Fluteotter (9:59:16 PM): (Obviously there is a strategy here. Obviously I am not seeing it.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:00:50 PM): (there is?) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:01:16 PM): (hmmm....) Fluteotter (10:01:36 PM): (....I don't think you're quite evil enough to stick me in something I can't win.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:02:14 PM): (what attack did Bram do that Conroy hasn't?) Fluteotter (10:03:24 PM): (Spirit-cutting. *laughs*) Fluteotter (10:04:56 PM): (Look, maybe this just isn't the night for this. I'm not thinking clearly, I'm really frustrated, and I'm just plain not enjoying it.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:08:26 PM): (it is late. when do you want to continue this?) Fluteotter (10:09:03 PM): (I don't know... dang it, I shouldn't be giving up like this. My average game goes to 1 or 2 am...) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:09:16 PM): (want another hint?) Fluteotter (10:09:33 PM): (Sure, whatever.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:10:51 PM): (Conroy tried to bribe you after he figured out you were a ghost) Fluteotter (10:11:19 PM): (*laughs* Sitting and waiting didn't seem to be doing me a jot of good.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:14:00 PM): (do you think you got it?) Fluteotter (10:14:51 PM): (I think so...) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:15:09 PM): (should I continue the attack?) Fluteotter (10:15:20 PM): (Go for it.) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:15:56 PM): *Conroy flies really quickly in circles around you* Fluteotter (10:17:16 PM): Sanuye yawns and stays incorporeal. "You like circles, don't you?" CoyoteMoonFangs (10:18:11 PM): They have no end. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:18:17 PM): ^-^ Fluteotter (10:18:28 PM): You're afraid of change, are you? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:19:17 PM): *speeds up and creates a small tornado* Fluteotter (10:19:39 PM): I'll take that as a yes. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:20:47 PM): *he spins out and gets really dizzy* that.. was... not..p-planned Fluteotter (10:21:27 PM): She snorts. "What is?" CoyoteMoonFangs (10:22:10 PM): *shakes head, coming to* the getting dizzy part. I must be out of practice Fluteotter (10:22:24 PM): (I meant that as a rhetorical question?) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:22:29 PM): *flies in and tries to bite* Fluteotter (10:22:34 PM): (*. with the emphasis on the is.) Fluteotter (10:22:49 PM): She yawns and lets him go through her. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:22:49 PM): (ah) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:23:37 PM): *tries to slap repeatedly with tail* Fluteotter (10:24:01 PM): *ignores him* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:24:13 PM): (he's breathing heavier now* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:24:15 PM): ) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:28:17 PM): I will not be beaten today... not by one of my brother's servants. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:29:18 PM): *slashes again and again with his claws* Fluteotter (10:30:20 PM): I am nobody's SERVANT! CoyoteMoonFangs (10:31:15 PM): *while slashing, tiring out* What else could you be that would make you pay attention to him? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:31:29 PM): *him pay attention to you Fluteotter (10:33:23 PM): Someone who helped him out of a tight spot. It's what I do. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:35:33 PM): Like a brother of mine would get caught in a tough spot! *snap bite bite* Fluteotter (10:36:37 PM): She shrugs. "Weren't you the one who left him to it? I'd call being stuck in one place with no control over your own destiny a tight spot... and that's the one thing that I will NOT permit to happen to ANYONE. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:38:29 PM): I dunno what... you're talking about... *weak bite* Fluteotter (10:41:27 PM): Sanuye shrugs. "When I met him, he was destiny-linked to a long-forgotten ruin at the middle of the ocean. We fixed that. Like I told you, I do not permit anyone to take away someone's control of his--or her--own life. It was the Cap'n's first rule, and it's gonna outlive me... twice." CoyoteMoonFangs (10:44:29 PM): *weak and slow claw swipe* my brother ran away from home, I haven't seen him since I smelled him on you... Fluteotter (10:44:58 PM): Sanuye shrugs. "You, m'boy, haven't been paying enough attention." CoyoteMoonFangs (10:47:10 PM): *lunges at you* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:51:22 PM): *flies through, lands in the dirt and faints* Fluteotter (10:52:14 PM): "Y'know.... maybe there is some good in being dead already," Sanuye mutters to herself. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:52:27 PM): AMan- Looks like Sanuye has won again! What a real dragon slayer! Fluteotter (10:53:00 PM): Sanuye sits up on her haunches, half-bows, and grins. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:53:11 PM): *the crowd roars*