CoyoteMoonFangs (2:26:57 PM): *standing inside the waiting gate, you can hear the roaring crowd and the man who registered everyone making announcements* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:28:50 PM): 'Welcome one and all to the first Tournament of the Oracle, where here our fighters compete to have some certainty in their futures. Now let's introduce our contestants!" Fluteotter (2:29:04 PM): ...time for some fun, then... CoyoteMoonFangs (2:29:08 PM): *the gate rises in front of you* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:30:08 PM): 'Coming in from the right is Sanuye of the Emerald Serpant!' Fluteotter (2:30:39 PM): Sanuye trots in, looking up at the people around the arena. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:30:47 PM): *crowd cheers* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:31:17 PM): *the gate from the opposite side of the arena opens* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:31:58 PM): 'And coming in from our left is the one who calls himself Bram!' CoyoteMoonFangs (2:32:39 PM): *Bram walks in calmy with his eyes closed in mediation, human form* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:33:14 PM): *he opens his eyes and smiles softly at Sanuye* Fluteotter (2:33:42 PM): Sanuye nods at him. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:34:23 PM): 'Let's see what this fight holds for them. Try not to kill each other!' Fluteotter (2:35:07 PM): Sanuye laughs. "Care to make the first move?" CoyoteMoonFangs (2:35:58 PM): *Bram pulls his axe from off of his back* Fluteotter (2:36:21 PM): Sanuye watches, and waits, and as soon as he springs it dives forward and under him. Fluteotter (2:36:27 PM): *swings it CoyoteMoonFangs (2:37:38 PM): *Bram leaps into the air twisting with the swing of his axe and jumps away* what do you seek out of his Tournament? Fluteotter (2:38:50 PM): To help someone who should not be treated as a prize! CoyoteMoonFangs (2:39:49 PM): I'll do my best to protect you, then. *Bram throws his axe* Fluteotter (2:40:07 PM): Sanuye dodges, and goes incorporeal if that fails. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:41:12 PM): (brb) Fluteotter (2:41:18 PM): (k) CoyoteMoonFangs (2:43:36 PM): (back. had to get my di and my difficulty sheet) Fluteotter (2:43:57 PM): (ok.) CoyoteMoonFangs (2:43:58 PM): (you dodge it okay) Fluteotter (2:44:19 PM): Sanuye runs forward and leaps for Bram's shoulder. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:45:30 PM): *Bram falls down on purpose and springs right back up* Fluteotter (2:46:07 PM): Sanuye lands, spins and tries again, this time (assuming he's facing away from me) aiming for the small of his back. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:47:11 PM): *you scratch Bram but he turns and slips away last second* Fluteotter (2:47:31 PM): (darn dodge-monkeys.) CoyoteMoonFangs (2:48:13 PM): *in the turning moment he scoops up his axe again* Fluteotter (2:48:49 PM): ...this could take a while, hm? CoyoteMoonFangs (2:49:29 PM): Impatient? Fluteotter (2:49:42 PM): Hard to say. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:50:15 PM): *sticks his axe into the ground* let me quicken it. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:50:47 PM): *Bram's eyes become reptile-like* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:51:15 PM): *scales break out over his skin, he grows taller and taller* Fluteotter (2:51:44 PM): ....eeeeeeep.... Fluteotter (2:51:55 PM): Ah, well. The bigger they are, the harder they fall! CoyoteMoonFangs (2:52:18 PM): *his clothes meld into his scales and you are now facing a 30ft tan Dragon* Fluteotter (2:52:31 PM): Note to self, don't get stepped on. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:53:28 PM): *the crowd ooohes and aahs* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:53:40 PM): *some gasp in fear* CoyoteMoonFangs (2:54:35 PM): *Bram flaps his wings causing a huge gust of wind* Fluteotter (2:55:29 PM): Sanuye waits for the wind to die down, then charges again, ending the charge with a leap onto his foot and half flying, half climbing him in a dizzying spiral until she reaches the back of his neck. ATTENTION: You are no longer rate limited, and you may now send messages. Fluteotter returned at 2:56:42 PM. CoyoteMoonFangs (2:56:47 PM): *Bram flies into the air* Fluteotter (2:57:04 PM): (Did I manage to get onto him or not?) CoyoteMoonFangs (2:57:48 PM): (did you do something after you climbed onto his back?) Fluteotter (2:58:16 PM): (Nah, just climbing and hoping he'll take at least one swipe and go off-balance...) CoyoteMoonFangs (2:59:10 PM): (nope, he just let you) *Bram's flying increases in speed* Fluteotter (2:59:34 PM): Sanuye reaches the back of his neck and hangs on for dear life. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:00:50 PM): *he does multple spirals in the air, then dives his back side facing down* Fluteotter (3:01:12 PM): Sanuye goes incorporeal and clings. Fluteotter (3:01:43 PM): I'll bet this is gonna hurt him almost as much as it'd hurt me... CoyoteMoonFangs (3:04:02 PM): *Bram hits the ground with a BAM but you manage you escape into the ground* CoyoteMoonFangs (3:05:10 PM): *you feel Bram scrambing to his feet through the ground* Fluteotter (3:05:10 PM): *whistles through her teeth... or would if she was corporeal* Wow... that was close... Fluteotter (3:05:43 PM): Sanuye pops out of the ground a little ways from him and tries the charge-and-spiral trick again. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:07:16 PM): Heaven claws *Bram slashes at you with his claws glowing a weird translcuent-white* Fluteotter (3:07:40 PM): "Oh, SHOOT!" Sanuye, still incorporeal, dodges into him. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:09:00 PM): (hiding inside the dragon, huh?) Fluteotter (3:09:20 PM): (I can't think of anything better!) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:11:08 PM): *Bram's voice rumbles inside him* Isn't this kind of protecting going a little far? Fluteotter (3:11:37 PM): You're a hundred times my size and I'm DEAD! What do you expect? CoyoteMoonFangs (3:12:24 PM): 'Sanuye has appeared to disappeared from the ring! We will now begin counting.' Fluteotter (3:12:26 PM): Sanuye laughs and pops out his back. Fluteotter (3:12:29 PM): "Still here!" Fluteotter (3:12:56 PM): ...really, they can't count me out 'less I'm OUT of the ring, right? Fluteotter (3:13:18 PM): (*imagines the headache Sanuye is giving some poor referee...) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:13:20 PM): *the crowd cheers and laughs at Sanuye's return* Fluteotter (3:14:20 PM): She nods to them. "Thank ye kindly, and yes, I do unscheduled performances!" (How close are we to the edge, anyway?) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:16:11 PM): (you mean to the wall and then the stadium seats? probably at his tail 20 ft away) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:16:29 PM): (stadium's 200 ft wide) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:16:35 PM): (circular) Fluteotter (3:16:35 PM): (I meant the edge of the ring...) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:17:05 PM): (still, 20ft) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:17:49 PM): (his 15ft tail lashes at you) Fluteotter (3:18:12 PM): (All right.) Sanuye grins at Bram and says, "You c'n fly strong, I see, but can ye do fancy?" and shoots into the air to avoid the tail. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:19:16 PM): Heaven claws *Bram stands on his hind-legs and slashes at you* Fluteotter (3:19:45 PM): "AGAIN?!" Sanuye dives out of the way and streaks for the edge of the ring. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:21:40 PM): Heaven fangs *whirls around and snaps at you* Fluteotter (3:22:37 PM): *dodges again, trying to stay OUT of range and keeping shooting towards the edge of the ring* CoyoteMoonFangs (3:23:34 PM): (you've made it to the end of the ring) Fluteotter (3:24:02 PM): (Is Bram coming after me?) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:25:29 PM): (yes, still snapping) Fluteotter (3:26:39 PM): As soon as Sanuye's within three inches of the boundary, she does a somersault in midair and dives straight down, then peels back towards (and hopefully below) Bram, hoping his momentum will be enough to take her past him. Fluteotter (3:26:45 PM): *him past her. Gah. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:28:20 PM): *you trip over Bram's tail coming back, and he takes a big bite out of the statium* Fluteotter (3:28:41 PM): (Does he go out of the ring, is the question...) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:29:31 PM): *no, he's stopped at the wall* Fluteotter (3:30:02 PM): (Dang it! So much for winning with my head...) Fluteotter (3:30:48 PM): (*laughs* I don't think I can win this one if the ring's that hard to fall out of...) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:31:53 PM): (think roman collisuem) Fluteotter (3:32:13 PM): (Why the heck did you put a "no falling out of the ring" provision in if you can't fall out of the ring?) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:32:51 PM): (I didn't have a falling out of the ring, I had a "no disappearing for 10 seconds) Fluteotter (3:33:08 PM): (they Fluteotter (3:33:16 PM): (They're biased against the incorporeal!) Fluteotter (3:34:04 PM): "...let's see... now what..." Sanuye tumbles, regains her feet, and sits up in the center of the ring. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:36:20 PM): *Bram spits out the wood and turns around* Fluteotter (3:36:26 PM): ....what did the Cap'n always tell me about fighting things several times my size? CoyoteMoonFangs (3:38:48 PM): B- Use their size against them? Fluteotter (3:39:03 PM): (I'm TRYING!) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:39:45 PM): *Bram flies into the air* Fluteotter (3:40:03 PM): Sanuye looks up. "THIS is going to be good, isn't it?" CoyoteMoonFangs (3:42:21 PM): *he unleashes a breath of blue fire* Fluteotter (3:42:41 PM): No WAY! *dodges like there's no tomorrow* CoyoteMoonFangs (3:43:18 PM): *Bram lands and gasps for air* Fluteotter (3:43:59 PM): Sanuye runs up, leaps and attempts to give him a tackle-bite to the throat. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:45:56 PM): *You cut off the breath in his neck and Bram passes out* Fluteotter (3:46:09 PM): ....I did NOT expect that to work. CoyoteMoonFangs (3:46:51 PM): (hey, he got a dodge 1 and you got a 10) Fluteotter (3:46:55 PM): (Heh.) Fluteotter (3:47:02 PM): (Botches for the win!) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:47:34 PM): 'Sanuye the ghost ferret is the winner!' CoyoteMoonFangs (3:47:42 PM): *crowd cheers* Fluteotter (3:47:49 PM): *mutters under breath* Shoot, they know I'm dead? Fluteotter (3:50:22 PM): (Well... that was interesting. *laughs*) CoyoteMoonFangs (3:50:49 PM): (glad it entertained you)